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Pixie breathed heavily and struggled. "Come on, you can do it! I know you can!" Jacob encouraged her. She screamed in pain. He grabbed her paw. "Pixie, Pix, look at me. Look at me."

She did as she was told. Staring lovingly into her eyes he stroked her cheek.

She screamed one last time. She panted heavily but otherwise lay still. Jacob turned and looked at the five eggs. A tear of joy slid down his cheek.

"You did great. Pixie?"

She lay still, her breathing was back to normal now. "You can rest now. Once those eggs hatch Arceus knows we'll never catch a break," he said with a chuckle.

Pixie whimpered.


Her breathing kept slowing.

"Pixie? Pix, what's wrong?"

"Jacob. I... I don't want to leave. I want to see our children. I want to raise them with you."

His heart broke as he realised what she was saying. His voice trembled. "If you don't want to leave then don't! Stay with me. I can't do this without you."

"Jacob, when I met you that day, I was alone. I had no one. I was scared, but then you... you showed up. You were so stupid. I despised and pitied you, but you had something I didn't. You had hope. You showed me how to live. Everything I've seen and done, I've loved every minute... and it's all thanks to you. I love you Jacob."

"Pixie, don't talk like that. You're gonna be fine."

"I wish that was the truth. I wish that I could raise our family. I wish that I could grow old with you. I wish... I had more time, but I don't. As I loved you in life, so I'll cherish you in death. If pictures can paint a thousand words, then let my silence tell a million stories."

"Pixie... I don't know what to do without you. You make me strong. The only reason we've come so far is because of you. You make me better."

"I did make you better, now prove it. You have to be strong... on your own."

"I'll miss you."

"Cheer up you big baby. I'll see you... on the other side."

"I love you."

"To the moon and back."

"Out the door jack."

"Round the earth and round again."

"I'll love you lots, till the very end."

Pixie smiled and her eyes drifted closed. She stopped breathing and lay still. Jacob screamed his anguish to the world.


The brutal cries of his torment echoed that day in Sharpedo bluff, and they rang clear throughout the forest.

Grabbing the five eggs, he brought them close and lay them beside their mother as he cried over her lifeless body.


Four years later

Jacob yawned loudly. "Come on, off to bed with you lot."

"But dad!" They whined.

He chuckled at the pups before him. Two male Eevee, a female Eevee and a male Vulpix.

"Sun's down, moon's up. Time for bed."

They groaned and complained as he herded them down into their den. Inside Sharpedo Bluff lay two beds. The cubs all clambered onto the one large bed. They climbed over each other and formed a heap of furry bodies.

"Okay. One, two, three, four... wait, where's your sister?"

"Probably still outside cause she's your favourite," The boy Vulpix whined.

The others all complained their agreement.

"Stop. You know I love you all very much."

"How much?"

"To the moon and back. Out the door jack. Round the earth, and round again. I'll love you all, till the very end. Goodnight ya little monsters."

"Night Dad!"

"Night! Love you!"

"Love you too Dad!"

"See ya in the morning boofhead."

Jacob chuckled and walked outside. By the edge of the bluff sat his youngest and most-loved daughter. (Anyone with siblings will know all about the favouritism).

"Come on, it's time for bed." Jacob called to her.

She didn't move. Jacob smiled and sat next to his daughter. The crescent moon's gentle glow and the light of the stars were beautiful on this night. It reminded him of a night long ago, spent with Pixie by a beautiful fogbound lake.

"Dad. What was mum like?"

Jacob chuckled. He smiled at the little Vulpix. "Your mother was just like you."


"Yeah. A runt. Small and scrawny."

"Dad..." She whined with an eye-roll.

"I'm serious. Your mother had a hard life. She was small and scrawny, but that didn't mean she was weak. You know your mother 'died' twice before she died a third time!"


"You're darn right wow. Your mother is the strongest Pokémon I know, and despite being small, she has a heart bigger than anyone else."

"You're talking like she's still alive..."

"She is. She lives in my heart. Every day I wake up and I see her. She greets me with a smile, a wave and a kiss on the cheek. I miss her, but you know what?"

"No, what?"

"She is so proud of you, and so am I."

"Thanks Dad, but I don't know what you're proud of. I haven't done anything."

"You haven't? Then how come I'm looking at a little Vulpix with a big heart and a bold spirit. It's not the big Pokémon who change the world; it's anyone who's willing to try. I'm proud of you. You are so beautiful, and every-time I look at you I see your mother."

Jacob pulled his daughter in close and hugged her under the smiling stars. "I love you so much."

"How much?"

"How far is the east from the west?"

"Um... really far?"

"That's right. I love you really far and I always will, my dear, sweet, Lavender."

Four Paws and One Last Tale


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