Chapter 16: Pixie

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"You've got a visitor."

"A worshipper?" Arceus replied hopefully.

"What?" Tim asked.

"You said someone has come to visit me. Is it one who recognises my magnificence and as such worships me and will free me from this infernal prison?"

"Um, no. Sorry."

Tim stepped backwards and gestured for me to approach.

"Arceus-" I tried, but he interrupted me.

"Silence. Unless you are one of my devoted worshippers I refuse to talk to you."

I was dumbstruck. My jaw dropped and I stared at him. He crossed his arms childishly and raised his head snobbishly. His whole demeanour made me angry.

"No one I know would ever worship such an arrogant blowhard," I said.

"How dare you."

"Must be lonely. I don't have any worshippers, well, except maybe Jacob but that's different. Anyways back to what I was saying. I don't have any worshippers, but I'm sure friends are better. Too bad you don't have any of either."

"Why you little-"

This time I interrupted him. "Pixie."

He fumed at the interruption, but took the bait nonetheless. "What?"

"I'm a little Pixie. A little Vulpixie that is. And if you were to listen to me, perhaps I could, oh I don't know, get you out of here."

I could see the gears turning in his head as he processed this new information. His face broke out into a smile and he threw his arms up high and wide.

"Pixie, my dear! How have you been? You look well. Get me the hell out of here!" He hissed the last line through his teeth, and I chuckled. (Pokémon Cinematic Universe anybody? (Detective Pikachu Reference just in case you didn't get it) (Ooh brackets inside of brackets, this is fun!) (Cool more brackets) (I could go on forever buttt let's get back to the story now))

"Okay, but you owe me," I sang.

He glared at me. "I am the great Arceus. I do not do favours," he said, spitting the last word.

I couldn't help but giggle. "Oh, you're so cute when you're weak and helpless. You want out or not?"

"Fine, but I promise you, for better or for worse, I will remember this."

I laughed as I walked back towards Jacob and Tim. I don't know what Jacob had said but Tim looked perplexed as if he was about to ask a question. I cut him off.

"Tim, I'm so sorry about him. He's not right in the head."

Tim nodded sadly. "Yeah, I figured as much. The charges against him aren't serious, he didn't do much more than cause a minor disturbance. Based on the circumstances I could let him off on a warning with minor fines, but if it happens again..."

I hugged him. "Thank you so much. I'll make sure he stays out of trouble."

Tim laughed nervously as he awkwardly pried me off. It was pretty funny to think what would happen if he discovered who I really am. Arceus forbid that ever happen.

"Hey, I know," Tim announced cheerily. "How about you all come around for dinner?"

Jacob smiled and opened his mouth as he began to reply, but then he remembered the purpose for our coming here. Jacob frowned and looked sadly at his friend.

"Sorry Tim. I wish we could."

Jacob... He wanted so badly to catch up with his old friend, but we were on a time sensitive mission. It made me sad to see Jacob do this. He was being so selfless, but I could tell how badly he wanted to go. I wanted to go too.

I wrapped myself around Jacob's good arm and pouted at him. "Aw, Jacob... We've got some time, why don't we go?"

Jacob was caught off-guard, but he smiled nonetheless. "You're right Pix. You always are."

Jacob looked back to Tim. "Dinner sounds great."

Tim clapped his hands together eagerly. "Good because I'm starving, and Rosie knows how to cook!"

So that was it then. We'd stay a little longer; just for dinner. Afterwards we'd head back to the Pokémon world with Arceus and everything would be okay. Selfishness isn't always a bad thing, sometimes we need to put ourselves first: I'm certain that's the truth. Unfortunately, it's impossible to know when it's right to be selfish and when it's right to make a sacrifice.

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