Chapter 11: Jacob

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Once again, we found ourselves slowly trekking behind Darkrai as he led the way to an unknown location. I winced as a bout of pain coursed through my leg. I can see Pixie watching me, but I don't want her to worry. I have to walk it off. Behind me Ace yawned I couldn't blame him; we'd been walking a long time. The moon had almost reached its zenith.

"Darkrai. We've been walking a long time; shouldn't we take a break?"

"You've already had a break and yet you want another?"

"What're you talking about?" I asked, tired of his games.

"That leg of yours looks like a serious break to me."

I rolled my eyes. Staring at the back of his head I imagined pummelling his skull with my good paw. It made me smile.

Darkrai sighed. "In answer to your question, no. We can't afford to stop now. We're almost there."

"Almost where?!" Ace exclaimed.

"There." Darkrai raised a shadowy hand and pointed through the trees to where a small patch of open rock could be seen. Darkrai kept floating (he's technically not walking so I can't say walking and it's annoying me!) and led us out of the trees to where we could better see what he'd been pointing at before.

I now recognised our destination as an altar of some kind. Sitting amongst the trees it was riddled with cracks and lay directly underneath the moon. Oh, and it's at the top of a flight of stairs. Thanks author. (You're welcome!)

I awkwardly jump-climbed my way up the stairs in an attempt to keep up with Glair, Pixie and Darkrai. Ace noticed my struggling and waited to help me. "Need a hand?"

"I'd rather a leg."

He chuckled and began doing what he could to ease my struggle.


"No problem."

"You know when we met, you were a bit of jerk. You've changed since then."

"No, I haven't. You've just recognised my charming personality."

"That must be it."

We were both quiet for a moment as I hobbled up the staircase. Then I stopped and looked at Ace. "Really though, thank you."

He smiled at me. "I should be thanking you. It's been a while since I had a friend. It's a nice change."

I nodded, and we continued. "Speaking of friends, how are you and Glair?" I asked slyly.

"Me and Glair? No, it's not like that. Besides, she has Tertle."

"Yuck. Dude, no. Tertle's the fatherly best-friend type. He and Glair love each other but not romantically."


"Oh." I mimicked sarcastically. "So, what're you gonna do?"

"I don't know," he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I laughed and flicked him with my tail. He recoiled at the strike and looked at me in surprise.

"Don't forget. We strive. No excuses."

After a moment he smiled. "No excuses."

From the top of the altar Darkrai looked down at us. "Would you two cut the bromance and get your rears in gear already!" He bellowed.

"I'll put his rear in gear if he's not careful," I said before muttering a few choice words. Ace chuckled, and we continued the climb.

Upon reaching the top I stretched and lay down, careful not to hurt my leg.

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