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Bucky sat at his uncomfortable desk in English, jotting down notes the teacher had sprawled across the whiteboard at the front of the class and yawned. Sure, he had gotten an amazing sleep with the mare and foal, but waking up from sleeping on hay isn't a very nice feeling.

Though, Bucky also couldn't seem to get last night out of his head. The way the horse moved so freely, how it seemed to stare him down, as if challenging him, and the small tricks it played.

"Maybe I just need to go alone?" He thought to himself, rubbing his temples as the throbbing once again came back. "Maybe then I won't get hurt."

Bucky was soon cut from his thoughts by Bruce, who had moved his chair right beside his desk before asking. "Buck?"

"Hm?" Bucky responds tiredly.

"Do you wanna hang out this weekend?"

"Uh.. yeah, sure."

"You okay?" Bruce asks worriedly, looking down at the notes Bucky was scribbling down that had gone diagonal across the page. "You don't seem very.. focused."

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." Bucky mumbles, folding his arms across his open book before plonking his head on top. God he was sore.

Natasha then wandered over, leaning up against Bruce's chair before asking, "what's up with him?"

Bruce shrugs. "Tired?"

"Guys, I'm fine. Stop worrying."

The two of them rolled their eyes as they shook their heads. "Oh right, Buck? Do you reckon Clint and I could hang out at yours with you? He'd love to ride one of your horses." Natasha spoke, ignoring the look Bruce gave her.

Bucky rose his head slowly to give a response, only to have Bruce cut in. "actually, Buck and I are already hanging out this weekend so you and your boyfriend will have to settle for your house." He spat, rolling his eyes.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Don't take it out on us Bruce."

But before Bruce could give another snarky response, Bucky lifted his hand and cut them off. "No. Not today. We are not arguing, nope."


"I said no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? NOH!" Bucky growls, slamming his hands down on his desk as he glared at his friends. "I'm sick of you both always fucking fighting. And especially today! I've had one hell of a night and I'm sore as shit, I have a headache coming on and I'm not in the mood to keep breaking you too up from fights. So please. Stop it."

"Sorry." The two mumble in unison, looking down at the ground.

"Thank you. You guys need to sort this out, and what better way to do it? Hang out as a group this weekend." Bucky decides. "Now, I know that was harsh and all but it needed to be said. So, if you'll excuse me, I have some notes to rewrite."

Bruce and Natasha left him to write, causing him to sigh and rub his sore eyes. He was always the bad guy.


The four teenagers sat once again at their usual lunch table in the cafeteria, nibbling on their food and conversing softly. Natasha and Clint were laughing, looking down at each other's phones while Bucky rolled his eyes.

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