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T'Challa pulls himself away from Bucky, eyes blown wide, swollen lips quivering in fear. "W—What?" He whispers, tears welling. "Did you...- did you just.. s-say his name?"

Tears, clear as day, were in the boys eyes, threatening to fall. Bucky cups his hand over his mouth, heart thumping and situated in the back of his throat, guilt ridden tears glazing over his eyes. He could see the betrayal and hurt swirling through T'Challa's chocolate orbs, and it made him feel sick. "I— I didn't mean to.. i.. I'm sorry-" he tries.

T'Challa raises his hand to silence the boy and removes himself from the bed, placing his head in shaking hands, the tears falling down his cheeks, limbs numb. "I- I should've seen it.." he mumbles, voice cracking, heart hammering. He felt so betrayed... angry.. "I should've seen the way you look at him!" T'Challa yells, ripping away his hands, glaring straight at Bucky whom also looked shaken and filled with shame.

Bucky gulps. "No— T'Challa. Please! I swear I didn't mean to! I don't like Steve that way... I.. I like what we have—" he's once again cut off by the other, and cowers away, scared at the anger and hurt on the others tear filled face.

"That means.. all.. all those times you were busy... you were busy FUCKING STEVE WERENT YOU?!"

Bucky whimpers out a small sob, hiding his face as his clothes were thrown at him harshly, T'Challa already halfway dressed by the time he looks again. "no! I- I would never do that to you- I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say his name-" he rambles, stumbling off the bed and grabbing ahold of T'Challa's wrist. "Please." He begs. "Please— just.. let's forget this and go back—

T'Challa rips his hand from Bucky's grip with a harsh growl, Bucky yelping, falling backward. "No! Shut up!" He yells. "How dare you— use me in this way to get with Steve! I'm not an object, James! I'm a human being!"

"I- I wasn't using you-

"You know what?" T'Challa whispers, sniffling, wiping away the flowing tears. "To think I may actually be falling in love with you and thinking that you were beginning to feel the same... only to have my doubts become true... how can you be so cold hearted and selfish?"

"T'Challa—" Bucky stammers, now full on sobbing.

"Stop it!" His voice is loud and threatening, shaking the other and slamming his mouth shut. "Stop bloody playing with my heart, Bucky! Why... why didn't you just say that you were falling for Steve? Why did you get me on board with this whole friends with benefits thing when you knew I still had feelings for you!?"

"Because I'm not!" Bucky cries. "And because I thought... I thought that if we did that, then you'd still be able to be with me and I'd be able to—

T'Challa rolls his eyes. "Lemme guess? Just have pleasure? You used me for pleasure?!"


"You know what? Don't tell me. Get the fuck out. You and Steve deserve each other."

Bucky's eyes widen in fear, breathing heavy and laboured. "T'Challa please- listen to me-"

"No! I told you to get the fuck out!"

Bucky let's a sob slip past his lip. "Please! I'm sorry— please- I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear! What we have is good—

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