"You will need to change the bandages every two days and put some antiseptic over the wounds." The nurse explained, wrapping Bucky's arm gently.

"Okay." Bucky mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'll be back with the sheet for you to sign and then you'll be free to leave."

The nurse got up from the seat, quickly walking out of the room and closing the door softly, leaving Bucky and Tony alone who suddenly collapsed into tears.

Bucky looked over at his dad in shock, sitting up and placing a hand gently onto his shoulder. "Dad? What's wrong?" He asked.

"B-Bucky I'm so s-Sorry I hurt you I-i-i I didn't  mean to" Tony sobbed violently, leaning into his sons gentle touch.

"Dad calm down, it's okay. I have a cool story to tell now! My dad shot me! I'll sound pretty fucking awesome." Bucky joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Tony let out a noise halfway between and laugh and a sob before pulling his son into a hug, rubbing circles in the small of his back. "My god, what did I do to ever deserve a son like you?"

"I don't know, you had sex with mum."

"James Buchanan Stark!" Tony hissed, smacking his son on the back of the head. "Don't talk like that! We're in the hospital!"

"Oh so I'm allowed to talk like this at home but not in the hospital! Why?"

"Because it's- urgh, never mind. Just- shush. The nurse is coming back."

The nurse opened the door, carrying a clipboard with a pen attached by a string, smiling at the embrace before her. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" She asked the two, wearily standing in the doorway.

"Oh- no no, you can come in." Tony mumbled, breaking from the hug and wiping his eyes.

She gave a nod before walking fully into the room and handing over the clipboard to him, pointing her finger where he was to sign so that Bucky was allowed to leave.

"And.. there we go." She spoke, taking back the board. "You are free to leave when you're ready. Please remember to change your bandages and to keep it clean."

"Yes ma'am." Bucky responded, lips in a straight line.

"Okay, I will leave you to it."

Once the nurse had gone and Bucky was in the bathroom in his bedroom, Tony turned on his phone to see multiple missed calls from an unknown number. Not thinking anything of it, Tony deleted the messages they had left without listening to them and put his phone back into his pocket.

A knock at the door suddenly coursed through Tony's ears and he looked over to see Stephen leaning up against the doorframe, a small smile on his lips.

"Oh shit- hiya." Tony breathed, placing a hand over his chest. "You scared me."

Stephen chuckled. "Sorry for the intrusion and the scare, Tony. I just thought I'd pop by and see how you and Bucky were." He explained, walking inside of the room.

"Not a problem. Bucky's pretty okay, I think. Just still a little shocked."

"And how are you?"

"Oh, me?" Tony questioned. "I'm fine, I guess. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night but all in all, I'm fine."

Stephen crossed his arms over his chest. "Your fine? Are you sure about that? You look anything but fine." He stated bluntly.

"Gee thanks." Tony grumbled, rolling his eyes with a small pout.

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