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"Tony," pepper sighs, handing over a cup of coffee. "You can't act this way. Our sons in love. So what if it's with that guy?"

"That guy has changed Bucky—

"Steve has helped Bucky in so many ways, Tony. Don't get so hung up on the past. You and Steve have your differences. I get that. But can't you put that behind you for Bucky? He's so torn. He's in love, we can't change that. But I guess that doesn't matter seeming as Steve broke up with him."

"I know.." tony whispers. "I just... I don't know what to do, pepper. I love Bucky with all my heart. He's been the light of my life since he was born... I can't imagine my life without him and I've lost him... wait what? Steve broke up with Bucky? Why?"

"Because of you, Tony." Pepper says. "He didn't want to split you and buck up. Even though he's in love with him, Steve let Bucky go for you."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I am. Bucky didn't move from his bedroom for two weeks. No one could get him to move."

"Where is he now, then?"


"Out with who?"

Pepper sighs. "I'm not sure. But I think it has something to do with Steve."

Tony jumps to his feet. "What! After breaking up with him, he wants Bucky back? What the fuck! Bucky better use his senses and say no!"

"That's the thing, Tony." Pepper whispers. "You know he won't. He's in love. We can't change that. So you just have to talk to him."

"He won't want to talk to me."

"He will. You just have to take this whole thing slow. Get to know Steve. You might actually end up loving the guy."

Tony laughs. "That's a bit of a stretch, pep."

Pepper sighs. "Tony, just talk to him."

"When will he be home?"

"An hour or two."

Bucky keeps his word and arrives at the park an hour later, hands stuffed into his pockets as he walks up the hill. "It'll just be Carol." Bucky whispers. "No Steve. Just Carol. Calm down."

He gets to the top of the hill and takes a seat at the picnic table Carol had texted him to go to. Bucky rests his chin in the palm of his hand and sighs. Carol had better get here quick or he was leaving.

A hand taps his shoulder a moment later. Bucky turns his head to greet the girl, but at the person before him, the words disappear and he gawks. "St-Steve?" Bucky whispers,

"Hey, doll."

Steve looked horrible. But also as gorgeous as always. Bloodshot eyes, dark bags. His hair was longer and he had grown a beard.

"B-but Carol.. she—"

"I know.." Steve mumbles. "I- I asked her to call you- I'm sorry—"

"Why!?" Bucky hisses. "I thought you didn't want us together or to talk to one another because of my dad!?"

Steve bows his head. "I-I know- but.. I was wrong to do that to you."

"Yes. You were

"I know I hurt you—

Bucky cuts Steve off. "I don't think you do. You broke my heart, Steve. I loved you. I still love you! I can't seem to stop and knowing you don't feel the same—

Steve cuts Bucky off this time, closing the space between them. Bucky gasps into the kiss, hands inside of what to do before Steve pulls away, eyes lingering shut for a few more moments longer and then they open, staring into Bucky's, full of love and tears that spilled over his cheeks. "I love you, Bucky Stark and I can't stop. I was an idiot for doing what I did and I'm sorry.. will you.. take me back? Please?"

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