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"Steve.." a soft voice whispered, brushing the hair from his forehead then caressing his cheek. "Steve hon, wake up.."

Steve gave a small mumble in response, but shot his eyes open at the memories of what happened the night before and broke away from the others embrace. "Ha- have there been any news from the doctor?" He questions, leg bouncing. "Is.. is Sam okay?"

Bucky smiled gently, cupping his hand on Steve's cheek. "He's okay, Steve. The doctor only just came over and told me that Sam wanted to see you.. do you wanna go to his room now?"

Steve nodded, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet and gently led down the many hallways, until they reached his friends room. He breathed in deeply, preparing himself for the damage and gulped, squeaking open the door.

Sam's gaze drifted from the tv and over to the door at the click of its opening, sending his friend a small smile of reassurance. "I lived, bitch." He croaked, trying to lift the disheartened mood in the air.

Steve gave a halfhearted chuckle, letting go of Bucky's hand and wrapping Sam into a careful hug. "I'm so glad you're okay.. I.. I'm so sorry.."

"Why are you sorry?" The other choked out, giving a loud cough. "I'm fine. And it wasn't your fault."

"I know but... I could've saved you.. I could've-

"No you couldn't have, Steve. We both fell off our bikes, you were smart and had your helmet on tight. I didn't. There was no way you could've saved me."

Steve sighed. "But-

Sam shook his head. "No buts, you couldn't have done anything. End of story. I'm fine."

"Sam's right, Steve." Bucky said softly, walking forward and standing awkwardly at the foot of the hospital bed. "You couldn't have done anything."

Sam pointed over at the boy with his non slung arm, "see, even the kid thinks so. So sit your ass down and stop worrying."

Steve rolled his eyes and did as he was told, pulling Bucky by the hips and ignoring his protests as he tugged him onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around the small waist, noticing Bucky looked the slightest bit thicker then last time and smiled, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck. Bucky blushed at this, placing his hand wearily atop Steve's and looked down at the floor.

Sam gave the two a knowing smirk. "So, Bucky.. you going out with anyone?"

Steve flinched and Bucky pretended not to notice, giving a small nod. "no..yes.. it.. it's complicated." He mumbled.

"That's too bad. I'm sure the guy who's lap your sitting in right now wouldn't mind changing that."

Bucky blushed at the statement, and felt Steve stiffen underneath him. "Sam!" Steve exclaimed angrily, glaring at his friend. "Shut the fuck up! I would not!"

"That's bullshit Rogers! I can literally feel the fucking sexual tension between you two and it's bloody annoying."

Both boys turned their heads away, biting down on their lower lips to ignore the large smirk upon the other's lips. Bucky thought about removing himself from Steve's lap, that if T'Challa found out, he may regain the jealousy and they would go back to not talking. He didn't want that. But he didn't want to hurt Steve's feelings.

With a sigh, Bucky began to stand from the olders lap, but was stopped by the large arms wrapped around his waist tightening and Steve nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck. "Please.." was all that was whispered to him. "Please."

Bucky felt himself melt back into the embrace and placed his hand gently atop of Steve's wrist, caressing it with the tip of his thumb. Jesus, Steve was definitely going to kill him if he kept this up.

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