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Bucky trudged over sticks and bark, head down and shoulders slumped as he held onto Tchallas shirt, tired and annoyed.

He didn't want to be going for a swim in the river. He didn't want to do anything at all.

"Come on, Buck." Clint encouraged, slowing his step to be in time with the other. "We're almost there, don't go falling asleep on us."

Bucky gave a lifeless chuckle, lifting his head to give a fake smile toward his friend. "Yeah yeah, whatever." He muttered, grip tightening on the shirt he was clutching as they began to walk faster.

"Tchalla, slow down."

"I can't, sorry. We're almost there and I really wanna swim!" Tchalla boasted, jumping slightly and causing Bucky to groan.


Natasha rolled her eyes at her friends complaints, getting ready to turn around and growl at him, when Bruce only shook his head. She sighed, but listened to his silent scowl.

"We're almost there!" Bruce exclaimed, pushing past branches and bushes.

Bucky gave a sigh, standing up straight and walking beside tchalla, holding on lightly to the sleeve of his shirt. He just wanted this to be over. 

Tchalla smiled over at Bucky, stopping in his tracks before swooping Bucky up in his arms and running up ahead.

Bucky squealed, gripping the others shirt. "PUT ME DOWN YOU BITCH!"

"NO I AM THE KING I DO AS I PLEASE!' Tchalla screamed in reply.

"YOU GOT PROM KING ONCE TCHALLA!!!! ONCE!!!!" Bucky screamed holding onto him tightly.

Tchalla came to a stop at the sight of the river, Bucky clutching tightly onto him as he continued to scream. "Bucky." He laughed, "We're here."

Bucky stopped screaming, closing his mouth quickly before fluttering open his eyes. "Oh.."

Tchalla chuckled, shaking his head and carefully placing Bucky back onto his feet, patting his shoulder.

Bucky shrugged his hand away in fake anger, poking his tongue out at the other male before turning his gaze back to the river.

The water glistened brightly at the glaze of the sun, showing off the rivers brightest blues and rocks that lay underneath the calm water. Bucky couldn't help but feel his spirits lift slightly at the gorgeous sight.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Tchalla spoke softly, placing an arm around Bucky's shoulders. "I remember when you snuck me out here."

"It is.. I remember that!" Bucky gasped, "and you threw me into the water? Great times."

"Yeah. Until you dunked me under."

"You deserved it! You threw me into the fucking river!"

"Okay okay, you win."

Bucky grinned. "Thank you."

Tchalla rolled his eyes, head snapping in the direction of sudden laughter and the splash of water, catching sight of two guys, older then themselves, throwing a football.

Bucky noticed his friends attention was elsewhere and followed his gaze, eyes widening and feeling whatever spirit that had been lifted drop back to the ground.

"Oh fuck." He muttered, causing the other to turn to him confused.

"You know them or something?" Tchalla asked, raising an eyebrow.

"One of them." Bucky hissed all too loudly.

One of the men in the river looked over at the two teens, a look of confusion glazing over his features at Bucky's harsh glare. He mumbled something to his friend, causing the blonde to turn his head and his eyes to widen.

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