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Bucky grips at the slippery rocks, biting at his lip as Steve pummeled into him with no mercy from behind. His grip on the youngers hips was bruisingly tight, tops of his fingers digging into the delicate skin, sounding a whine.

The water splashes around them with each thrust of hips. Skin smacking, whimpers and growls echoing off the rock walls, it was like heaven. They were finally able to be alone, skin to skin, connected as one. Like they were made for each other.

Spotted bruises and teeth marks littered Bucky's olive skin, pink, purple, and irritated. But he loved the burning feeling that flooded every fibre, every nerve, filled with undeniable pleasure till he was whimpering Steve's name.

And god did that make the ex soldier go crazy.

He snaps his hips, scraping short nails down the others sides, pressing kisses across his skin, lips wet and full of passion. Bucky arches at the warmth of Steve's lips, whining softly, grip tightening against the rocks.

"St-Steve-" he chokes out, eyes dark with lust and hair wild, slicked to his forehead with sweat and the fresh water of the lake.  "N-need m-more-"

Steve hushes him, digging his nails sharply into Bucky's hips, creating a pained whimper at the back of his throat. "Hush, Doll." He coos dryly, a smirk apparent on his lips. "I know what you do and don't need. Do I not?"

It comes out more like an order and has Bucky's skin crawling, anxious and scared that Steve thought of him as distrusting. "Y-yes- co-course." Bucky whispers, quivering.

"Then why did you claim you needed more? I know what you need, do you know what that is, darling?"

Steve slows his thrusts and Bucky's shakes his head, desperate for the faster pace to wrack his body once more. "No!" He cries.

"Of course you don't. You go so dumb in these moments, love. But that's okay. Whining that you need more when you have no idea what you need." Steve tuts, bending flat over Bucky's back, scraping his teeth against his neck. "I think what you need is to stay quiet and focus on the pleasure I'm giving you. Or do you need a punishment?"

Bucky yelps at the harsh smack made against the globe of his ass, shaking his head, wanting to be good for Steve. His Steve. "N-no- be good... I swear!"

Steve chuckles. "Good boy."

The rough, ecstasy filled thrusts start up again and sends broken moans and whimpers spilling from Bucky's lips.  He grits his teeth, Steve biting and sucking at the skin of his neck, marking him.

"Mine," Steve growls, teeth digging into the delicate skin that has Bucky writhing beneath him. "Only mine, isn't that right Bucky?"

Bucky nods, licking quivering lips. "Y-yes.. only y-yours."

"That's right. Nobody else's, don't like sharing you with anyone. So gorgeous for me- Bucky, I love you."

The sweet talking and the uttermost heart throbbing confessions have Bucky falling
over the edge. He spurts his release onto the rocks and his stomach, panting, chest heaving, eyes rolling into the back of his head.

Steve growls at the sight, Bucky blacking out slightly from the immense pleasure has him fastening his pace as he drives closer and closer to his orgasm.

Words could not describe how amazing it felt to be connected with Bucky in this way. Steve truely did believe that they were made for one another, soulmates till the end of time. God, he loved this boy.

Just the thought has him letting out a low, earthy groan. Steve slams into Bucky one last time before coming deep inside of him. Bucky jumps awake at the sudden warmth spilling inside of him and moans softly, feeling Steve rocking his hips slowly, dragging out his orgasm.

Hidden Love ~ Stucky Where stories live. Discover now