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Bucky moans softly as his back was slammed against the barns walls, Steve hoisting him up with ease and wrapping his legs around his waist. Their tongues slid together, hands roaming and muffled moans and groans filling the air. The kiss was sloppy and desperate, neither of the two wanting to break away and give in to the air their lungs so desperately needed.

Their teeth accidentally clang together, but both are too caught up in the kiss to acknowledge the pain and begin to roll their hips. Bucky gasped out a moan at the harsh tug made at his hair, breaking the kiss and whimpering at the urgent sucks and bites being made across his neck.

"S-Steve-" He whines, arching his back. "K-kiss me.."

Steve gave a low chuckle against the soft skin of his boyfriends neck, sending small vibrations down his throat and goosebumps over his arms. He removed his face from its spot in the boys neck and forces his lips back onto Bucky's, slipping his tongue into his mouth.

Bucky gave a soft mewl, gripping at the back of Steve's shirt in attempt to steady himself. His mind was fuzzy and he felt weightless. Kissing Steve was amazing and every time it seemed to get better and better.

"What the fuck!" Someone yells and the two freeze.


Bucky drops down from Steve's hold and looks over at the door, seeing none other than Peter, staring, absolutely gobsmacked. "B-Buck?" He stammers. "Who is that?!"

"Pete." Bucky says calmly, placing his hands on Peter's shoulders. "You can't tell anyone about this, okay? Steve is my boyfriend—

"You mean the one dad hates?"

Bucky nods. "Yes, that Steve. But you can't tell dad anything, okay? Please Pete. Promise me you won't tell dad about this?"

"I won't." Peter whispers with a smile. "I wouldn't do that to you. But— my eyes are now scarred so I'm going to go and wash them out with soap." Peter quickly links his pinky finger with Bucky's as a sign of promise and scurries out of the barn.

Bucky takes in a deep breath and turns around to face Steve, relief all over his face. "Fuck, that was close." He mumbles.

Steve chuckles. "Yeah, it was."

"Thank god it was Peter. It could've been my dad, god."

Steve smiles and places his hands onto Bucky's hips, hooking his fingers through the loops of his jeans and pulls him closer. Bucky smiles and slid his hand around the back of Steve's neck, standing up on his tippy toes, and pulled him in for one last deep, lingering kiss. "I had fun today." He whispers, leaning their foreheads together. "But I better go and talk to Peter about what he saw."

Steve chuckled, too overjoyed to be disappointed. "Okay then. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

Bucky nods. "Of course."

Steve presses a quick kiss to Bucky's temple before turning around and sneaking out of the barn. Bucky sighs. The day had been lovely, but Bucky knew how badly Steve wanted to continue their conversation from earlier about Bucky's arm. It didn't matter. Even though Bucky was in pain most of the time, he only needed to take it off for showers or for bed. He was perfectly fine.

The boy was cut from his thoughts by the clearing of someone's throat. Bucky froze. Fuck.

"What the hell did I just see?"


Bucky was so dead.

He slowly turns himself around, wracking his mind to try and find some excuse for as to why Steve had been here, though before Bucky could even speak, Stephen had cut him off.

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