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Bucky awoke to the sound of roasters crowing and animals running through the fields, a groan  surpassing his lips as he reached his arm out of the warm covers to turn off the alarm, only to realise it was the outside world and that he could not turn it off.

Rolling his eyes, he grabbed ahold of his sudden buzzing phone and held it before his eyes, squinting them at the bright light as he made out Bruce's contact.

Bucky declined the call as threw his phone back onto his bedside table, groaning once more when it started to ring again.

Knowing he should get up and leave his phone in his room, he sighed and Bucky rolled out of bed and pulled his covers with him, dragging them across the floor as he made his way out to the lounge.

Bucky sluggishly walked into the room, rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes, seemingly forgetting about the events from yesterday until he saw his dad making eggs on toast in the kitchen.

The memories of Tony being an absolute asshole haunted his mind and before Tony could even utter a word to his son, Bucky retreated back to his room, slamming the door shut.

Bucky leaned his back against the closed door, rolling his head back against the hard material as he squeezed his eyes shut. Of course his father was gonna try and talk to him, act as if nothing had ever happened. But Bucky wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily. Tony had to earn it.

The gentle knock of his door cut the boy from his thoughts and he groaned, "what!" He hissed, keeping his back against the door.

Tony sighed, "Buck I.. I'm going out to do some jobs, check on the new foal. When your ready could you feed the chickens and then also spend some time with the new foal? Maybe come up with a name?"

Bucky didn't respond, causing his father to nod his head and mumble, "thanks." Before turning and walking away.

He waited until he heard the front door shut, and came out of his hiding spot to go and make himself some breakfast. Yes, he knew he couldn't be rude to his father forever, but all odds aside, he did deserve it.

Making his way into the kitchen once again, Bucky scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. Tony had placed the pan of scrambled eggs in the oven to keep them warm for Bucky, so that he didn't have to muck around and make his own breakfast that he most likely would've burnt.

"Um.. okay then. Free breakfast?"

Bucky turned the oven off completely and pulled the pan out, placing it atop of the elements and grabbed the plate from off the table Tony had set out for him.

He dropped the eggs onto the plate and dragged himself into the lounge where he took a seat on the couch and turned on the tv. It had been way too long since Bucky had been able to watch another episode of Stranger Things and he couldn't wait.

* * * * * *

Dishes in the sink and blanket dropped on the floor somewhere in the lounge, Bucky stood in front of his full body mirror located in his bedroom, a sigh leaving his lips.

He looked so.. lanky? Sure, his arms had some muscle definition and so did his calves, but.. it wasn't what he wanted.

His stomach was flat, showing off the bottom of his ribcages and his waist sunk in deep to give him a slight hourglass figure. His hips were wide, ass thick (which he was definitely keeping) and round.

He wanted to be stronger, to feel more in power, to feel like his body was his best weapon. Bucky just wanted to feel a bit better about himself.

The sound of his phone once again ringing cut him from his thoughts and he marched over to his bedside table to see Bruce's contact on the bright screen. With a grumble, he pressed the red button and looked down at the time.

Hidden Love ~ Stucky Where stories live. Discover now