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Tony was running around the next morning when Bucky came back from doing his jobs, anxiously tugging at his hair at the thought of Stephen coming over thanks to his brat of a child.

"Dad chill" Bucky says, grabbing his bag from off the table.

"Um child of mine where do you think you are going? your dad needs support to get through this" Tony says, blocking the door so Bucky couldn't walk out.

"Dad, I have an educational experience to get through and look at it like this, with me here you have no show of the sexy doctor man putting the moves in you you have to do this aloooonnneee" Bucky then pushed past his dad jumping into Tony's Ute before waving goodbye.

"Oh and dad?" He calls from the window.


"Thanks so much for being so.. understanding last night? I'm really glad I can talk so freely now about this and not have to shut Nat and Bruce up in fear of you hearing.."

Tony smiled at his son from the doorway. "Course, Buck. I'm glad you told me, now you'll be able to freely talk about sucking some guys dick and I'll be able to just shrug it off."


Tony laughed wholeheartedly as his son sped off down the driveway, blasting his Elvis Presley CD as he did so.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, Dr Stephen Strange was standing right in front of him, in a pair of black trousers and a white button up that had the sleeves rolled up showing off his muscled arms with a black tie, making Tony instantly feel self conscious at his jeans and plain white top.

"Um h-hi Dr" Tony stutters out, slightly taken aback by the sudden man before him.

"Tony, nice to see you. I wasn't really expecting an email from you but a nice surprise anyway. How's it been since I saw you last week?" Stephen asks, walking inside.

"Look I uh have to admit um the email or uh yeah wasn't um heh I don't uh have anything to help with your patients" Tony mumbles.

"What so I don't get to talk about my patients bummer" Stephen replies, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Uh well um funny story my son sent that email to you hoping to set us up... haha he doesn't realise you're straight"

"Oh I'm not straight I'm probably the bendiest bender you know" Stephen says with a slight chuckle, making his way over to Tony.

"What about you Stark? Hmm? Are you straight?"

"Oh um I-IM STRAIGHT" Tony cursed at himself for the outburst and his bisexual panic.

"Are you now?" Stephen says, clearly not believing him and continuing to edge closer and closer.

"Uh... I-I um ngh" Tony was so frustrated with himself. He was usually the ultimate player, he was the one making everyone else stutter and trip over their words, he was almost always the one to take the lead be in charge take control. But with Stephen it was almost impossible. His presence demanded attention, demanded that you do anything and everything he wants without him even trying. Tony was trying so hard not to spill every secret he had to this guy and it was so hard not to just fall into his arms and let everything out.

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