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Barking and slobber filled kisses awoke Bucky on Monday morning, erupting squeals of annoyance and shock from the back of the boys throat as he tried to shove Dodger off of him, but to no avail, failed miserably and settled for the kisses.

As he lay there, mouth pursed shut and eyes squeezed tightly, Tony's laughter filled the room from the doorway. "Dodger," he chuckles, whistling to collect the dog to his side. "Nice one boy, I should definitely do that more often."

"Fuck no!" Bucky yells from behind the pillow he had mushed over his wet face, trying to flip his father off. "I don't do this to you in the mornings!"

"That's because I get up to my alarm and go and do my jobs, unlike someone.."

Jobs, yeah fucking right. Bucky thought to himself. You probably just go to try and find Steve's horse. But jokes on you, Sam took Blaze to Peggy's, dumbass.


Tony rolls his eyes, grinning to himself. "Come on, up and out please. You have time for a very quick shower before we leave and I'll drop you into school." He calls, walking down the hallway and back into the kitchen to finish making Bucky's breakfast.

Bucky groans, but does as he is told, rolling out of his extremely comfortable bed and into his connected bathroom to have a shower. He flicks on the water before closing the certain, undressing himself and tugging the elastic out of his hair. Never again will he be sleeping with a messy bun, he concludes, grimacing at the sight of his hair in the mirror. "Just great."

Sighing softly, Bucky pulled back the curtain and hopped inside of the shower, his sore muscles from yesterday's workout relaxing against the warm water that traveled down the curves of his body.

Bucky smiles happily. Sure, he loved working out and going for long runs with Nat and Wanda, but having sore muscles on a Monday morning was not fun at all. He was just glad that his doctor agreed with the fact of him working out, claiming it would most likely get his body used to the missing limb before the prosthetic was finished.


Bucky ran into school with a stressed expression stitched into his features, the bell ringing behind him and creating a large crowd of students making beelines for their first classes. He caught sight of his friend group waiting impatiently by his locker, Pietro and Clint quickly bidding their goodbyes before rushing off with the crowd, desperate to find a good seat.

"Guys! " he gasps out, weaving through the pack of students trying to get to their classes. "Sorry I'm late, I had to have a shower."

"It's fine, just- hurry up before the next bell goes," Wanda urges, making a motion with her hands in a way to speed him along as he unlocked his locker.

Bucky only rolls his eyes, quickly handing over his bag to the girl so he could place his needed books inside. "Bruce, Nat, you don't need to wait if you don't want to. Wanda and I will be fine by ourselves." He mumbles, "and I'm guessing T'Challa went to go and talk to his teacher?"

The two nod their heads. "Yeah, he did. And okay, we'll see you next period in... history." Natasha responds, interlocking her hand with Bruce's to pull him along.

Bucky shook his head with a small chuckle at the sight of his two friends, Bruce allowing Nat to tug him along to their first class together. It was adorable and he could tell that Bruce was helplessly in love, the big softy. Nat did always bring that out in him.

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