Chapter V

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Lisa's POV

"What?" Lisa breathed, genuinely shocked by what her best friend had confessed

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"What?" Lisa breathed, genuinely shocked by what her best friend had confessed.

"Please don't make me say it againx" Jisoo whispered as she sat down on the curb.

"Jisoo I," Lisa paused,trying to gather her thoughts. "I didn't know. I genuinely had no idea," she added, sitting down next to her raven-haired friend.

"I know you didn't," Jisoo sighed, gently kicking at the ground with the toe of her shoe. "I shouldn't have said anything," she continued as she buried her face into her hands.

"No it's okay," Lisa assured her, reaching to place a hand on her shoulder but quickly retracting it.

"See, I made it weird already," Jisoo said quietly as she dropped her hands from her face, turning to look at Lisa, regret plastered all over her expression.

"Stop," Lisa protested draping an arm around Jisoo's shoulder. "I'm glad you told me. Really, Chu, I am. I could  tell that something's been up with you lately. Please talk to me; it won't be weird. I'm your best friend, and nothing could ever change that," she promised, smiling at the girl.

"I don't know," Jisoo replied, her eyes falling to her hands as she played with her fingers.

"Please?" Lisa begged, searching for the girl's dark eyes. "when did all of this start?"

Jisoo let out a deep breath, her eyes still locked on her hands in her lap. "I've had a crush on you for a while," she admitted, taking in another breath. "But I was dealing with it. It wasn't anything unusual. I developed feelings for my extremely attractive, but very straight best friend. It was just a tiny little crush, really. But then you weren't straight anymore, Lisa. I had to watch you go hook up with some random girl when all this time I had convinced myself I would never have a chance. Then when you hooked up with her again, I got a little offended, honestly. I thought, all this time, Lisa wasn't really straight; I just wasn't really good enough."

"Don't say that," Lisa interrupted, scrunching her thick brows. "You're beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. Not to mention funny, smart, incredibly talented...I could go on and on," Lisa said sincerely, looking her in the eye. "And I'm not just saying that because you're my best friend," she added, trying to lighten the mood as she bumped the other girl's shoulder with her own.

Jisoo smiled weakly before growing serious again. "I guess I just still don't understand what's going on with you and Jennie. I mean, I don't know how to say this without sounding rude," she paused, "but why do you keep hooking up with her? Are you gay now?"

"No I'm not," Lisa replied quickly, trying her best to sound authentic. She wasn't really sure what she was anymore, but she didn't want to confuse her best friend anymore than she already was. And telling Jisoo she's not gay wasn't necessarily a lie; she was still attracted to guys. Like Jackson, for example. Maybe she was bi. "There's nothing going on between Jennie and I other than sex. I mean, we're friends, I guess, but we're just hooking up Chu.  I'm just experimenting, this doesn't change anything," Lisa added, trying to find the right words to comfort the girl.

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