Chapter VIII (M)

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A/N : This chapter is rated 18+. If you're uncomfortable with this. please skip, but never mind. i know ya'll like smuts. haha anyways let's proceed. 

Lisa's & Jennie's POV

"Remind me again why I allowed you to get Hawaiian pizza?" Lisa asked as she popped the last bit of her slice into her mouth.

"What do you mean allowed?" Jennie teased. "I paid for it, and this is my Saturday night tradition. Which got moved to Sunday because we went to that party last night."

"Are you saying you didn't have fun?" Lisa questioned, biting her lip as she recalled what had happened between the two of them in the bathroom at that party. 

"I didn't say that," Jennie grinned. "I'm just saying we both made sacrifices. That's how relationships work."

"Relationships?" Lisa repeated, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Wait, no," Jennie stammered. "That's not what I meant. I just-"

"Relax, Jen," Lisa smiled. "I know what you meant."

"Sorry," Jennie replied as she shook her head. "I just didn't want you running off again after I said something stupid," she continued, referring to the little 'i love you' fiasco they had encountered the day before.

"Hey," Lisa pouted. "That's not fair. To either of us. Everything worked out fine," she added seriously as she reached for Jennie's hand.

Jennie nodded as she interlaced her fingers with Lisa's.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked hesitantly. "I know yesterday was kind of an emotional day for you."

"I'm fine," Jennie confirmed, a small smile on her lips. "Thank you though."

"I just want you to know that you can talk to me," Lisa said sincerely as she caressed the back of Jennie's hand with her thumb. "About anything."

"I will," Jennie smiled. "I appreciate that."

"Do you have any napkins?" Lisa asked, changing the subject as she wiggled a few of her fingers on the hand that wasn't clutching Jennie's, which were covered in a thin layer of grease from the pizza.

""Yeah," Jennie replied as she moved to get up.

"I can get them," Lisa said as she quickly hopped off of Jennie's bed. "Just tell me where they are."

"Second drawer of my desk," Jennie answered, nodding toward of her bed where her desk sat.

Lisa walked over to Jennie's desk and opened the second drawer. Her eyes widened immediately when she saw what was in it. She hesitated for a moment before reaching down to take in her hand. She didn't have one, and she wasn't sure she had ever seen one now that she'd thought about it. She stood up and looked over at Jennie, holding it in the air.

"Oh my God," Jennie laughed, nearly choking on the piece of pizza she had just brought to her lips. "I meant second drawer from the top, not the bottom."

"Is this...?" Lisa asked, her hand tightening on the object out of curiosity. 

"A vibrator?" Jennie finished for her, a grin plastered across her face. "Mhm," she answered.

"Do you...?" Lisa asked again, now holding it in both hands as she examined it. 

"Sometimes," Jennie nodded, amused by Lisa's apparent embarrassment as well as inexperience. "Have you never?"

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