Chapter VII

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Lisa's POV

By the time Lisa opened her eyes it was morning. She let out a small noise as she stretched her body, squinting into the bright light that seeped in through the blinds of Jennie's room.

Jennie's room.

Lisa smiled when she realized she was still in Jennie's bed, her naked body tangled between the messy sheets. She shifted her body to turn on her other side when she noticed the lack of warmth, as Jennie's body wasn't pressed to hers anymore.

"Good morning," Lisa beamed up at Jennie who was sitting up, her back resting against the wall next to her bed.

"Good morning," Lisa beamed up at Jennie who was sitting up, her back resting against the wall next to her bed

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"Morning," Jennie greeted shortly. "I was just about to wake you up. Do you have practice?"

"What time is it?" Lisa questioned, reaching up to rub her own eyes sleepily.

"A little after ten," Jennie replied, looking down at her phone. 

"I have time then," Lisa assured her, lifting up the sheet that was draped over her in a silent invitation for Jennie to rejoin her under covers.

"I don't want to make you late," Jennie mumbled as she moved quickly to climb over Lisa and off of the bed.

"You won't," Lisa said quietly. She couldn't help but feel like Jennie was upset with her. She was avoiding her eyes, and all of her replies had been rather short. Something was definitely off. "Are you okay?" Lisa asked hesitantly, sitting up in Jennie's bed and wrapping her sheet around her naked body.

"Yeah," Jennie shrugged. "I just have some stuff to do today. You should probably get going," she added as she handed Lisa's clothes to her after gathering them off of the floor.

"Okay..." Lisa replied, doing everything she could to meet the girl's eyes but to no avail as Jennie quickly turned away again.

Lisa watched Jennie moved to her desk and sat down at her computer. She kept watching her as she dressed herself, desperate to make some kind of contact. As the room began to fill with somewhat of a tense silence, Lisa began to rack her brain, trying to go through the entirety of last night's events. Had she said or done something wrong? Everything seemed to be going so well.

"I'll walk you out," Jennie said as she stood up from her desk after seeing from the corner of her eye that Lisa was finally dressed.

This eased Lisa a bit. Maybe Jennie wasn't mad at her; maybe she was just tired. Lisa had always had a bit of a tendency to overthink things. Butterflies began to swarm her insides at the prospect that Jennie was about to kiss her goodbye. Lisa wasn't sure she'd ever get sick of the way Jennie's full lips felt on her own.

"We'll see you later?" Lisa questioned hopefully as Jennie ushered her out into the hallway.

"Yeah," Jennie replied as she began to slowly close the door. "Maybe you can squeeze me in after your date tonight," she added, shutting the door rather harshly just as the last word left her mouth.

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