Chapter XIV

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Meeting the Parents

Jennie clapped along excitedly with the rest of the crowd as she watched Lisa round the bases

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Jennie clapped along excitedly with the rest of the crowd as she watched Lisa round the bases. She had just hit a home run that scored two runs for her team, and they were now winning 4-3. Jennie didn't know much about softball, but Lisa had hit the ball a bunch of times and she'd caught the ball whenever it came her way while she was in the outfield. It was the top of the 7th inning now and it was proving to be a pretty exciting game.

"You know her?" A boy asked from over Jennie's shoulder as he plopped down on the bleacher next to her, nodding toward Lisa as she passed them after hitting third base.

Jennie brought her hand over her eyes to shield the sun as she looked next to her. The boy looked to be about her age, maybe a little younger. He had brown eyes and brown hair that was cut in a style that nearly every boy around that age seemed to have. He was attractive, not that he was anywhere near Jennie's type.

"Yeah," Jennie smiled, glancing back to the softball field where Lisa was now celebrating her homerun with her teammates as she jogged back to the dugout

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"Yeah," Jennie smiled, glancing back to the softball field where Lisa was now celebrating her homerun with her teammates as she jogged back to the dugout. "She's my..." she paused, unsure of how to label their relationship. Not that a stranger needed those details anyways. "She's my friend," Jennie finished, biting her lip slightly.

"Just a friend?" The boy asked, smiling back as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe more than that," Jennie laughed as her eyes fell to her hands for a moment. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"Bam," the boy introduced, holding out his hand. "Bam Manoban," he finished as Jennie took his hand.

"Oh," Jennie replied, suddenly growing nervous as she slipped her hand out of Bams' and wiped it on the fabric of her shorts.

"Lisa's brother," Bam clarified as he looked across the field in her direction. "She came over before the game and told my parents she had someone to introduce us to after. I saw the way Lisa kept looking over here at you while she was standing out in the left field. Thought I'd come say him" he grinned.

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