Chapter X

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Jennie's POV

Jennie was blessed in the fact that she didn't have any Friday classes. She was sprawled out in her bed listening to music when she got Lisa's text.

Lisa: I'm about to leave for the tournament, but could I stop by before I do?

Jennie: Of course :)

Jennie could hardly type her reply fast enough. She didn't think she'd get to see Lisa again before she left, and she quickly jumped off of her bed and pulled on a pair of shorts before running her fingers through her messy hair. As she was standing in the middle of a room she heard a quick knock on her door.

"Hey," Lisa greeted once Jennie opened the door.

"You can just come in," Jennie smiled as she stepped aside so Lisa could walk in the room.

"Okay," Lisa replied, smiling weakly as she moved past the brunette and went right to sit on the bed.

"What's up?" Jennie asked hesitantly as she sat next to Lisa on the bed.

"I need to talk to you," Lisa whispered as she looked down at her hands, playing with one of the rings she wore on her finger.

"Oh," Jennie said shortly. She felt like someone just dropped a brick on her chest. Lisa was acting strange, and now by saying she needed to talk, Jennie wasn't expecting anything good. She tried to pull herself together quickly. She didn't know for sure what Lisa was going to say, but she needed to be open to listening as Lisa had been for Jennie in the past. Jennie swallowed hard as she reached for Lisa's hand. "Talk to me Lisa," she encouraged gently.

Jennie felt her heart sink when Lisa quickly pulled her hand away.

"What's this about?" Jennie questioned softly, her eyes moving from Lisa's displaced hand to her eyes that seemed duller than normal. 

"There's just a lot going through my head right now," Lisa answered, sounding particularly stressed out as her eyes fell to her hands that were now fidgeting in her lap.

"About?" Jennie asked tentatively, not entirely sure she was ready to hear answer.

"Us," Lisa replied as she finally lifted her gaze, hesitantly making eye contact with Jennie.

"Okay," Jennie swallowed. She was doing her best to make it seem like she wasn't already falling apart, but she was. Even though she had always expected Lisa to leave, she was nowhere near prepared for it. Things had been going so well. At least, she thought they had been. She couldn't believe she was losing Lisa soon.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know what to say," Lisa frowned as she brought her hands to her face, harshly rubbing across her eyes.

"Did I do something?" Jennie asked, her voice becoming audibly shaky.

"No," Lisa negated, shaking her head. "I'm just worried about what this really is," she added softly. 

"What do you mean?" Jennie questioned. "I thought we had this conversation already. I thought-"

"That's the problem, Jennie," Lisa interrupted, her tone harsh but somehow soft at the same time as her own voice began to waver. "I don't know what to think."

"I don't understand what you're trying to say," Jennie replied quickly, looking into Lisa's eyes intently as if she were searching for an answer. 

"We're always hooking up," Lisa said bluntly as she sat up a little, seemingly starting to gather her thoughts. "I'm just worried that with all of the sex," she stuttered, "I'm just worried that those physical feelings are being confused for emotional ones.Not just for you, but for me as well."

Jennie's face contorted into an expression that was a mixture of confusion as well as a little anger. She knew her feelings for Lisa weren't just sexual, or physical in general. She had those emotional feelings for her. It had been hard for her to admit, but she didn't doubt it at all. It offended her a little that Lisa would think otherwise.

"So what do you want Lisa?" Jennie begged, her tone sharpening and her volume rising a bit, her eyes narrowing as they tore into Lisa's. "To stop having sex? To not see each other at all?"

"I don't know," Lisa said weakly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even came here in the first place," she added quickly as she stood up from where she was sat next to Jennie.

"Stop," Jennie objected, reaching for the girl's toned arm. "You can't just say all of this and then just walk away."

"I have to go, Jennie," Lisa sighed, her eyes glistening behind a layer of welling tears.

Jennie stared at Lisa blankly, her grip on her arm remaining firm.

"I'm going to be gone for a few days, maybe that's just what we need. Space. I need to think about things, I shouldn't have tried to talk to you before I did that," Lisa apologized.

Jennie still couldn't manage to get any words to come out of her mouth; she was at a total loss. She was completely unable to process what was going on. Was Lisa ending things or not? Because it sure as hell hurt as if she were.

"I'm sorry," Lisa said genuinely as she gently pulled Jennie's hand from her arm. "I'll talk to you when I get back, okay?" she added as she backed away and turned toward the door. 

And Jennie just stood there. She didn't demand demand answers; she didn't beg for Lisa to stay, she didn't fight. She just watched her walk away. 

Just like that. Lisa was gone.


A/N : Guys, feel free to vote and comment

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A/N : Guys, feel free to vote and comment. don't hesitate. :) This is only a short update. I will make long update on the next chapter. Hope you're having a great day! 

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