Chapter XIX (M)

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Lisa and Jennie were now standing in the middle of one of the community kitchens on the third floor, leaning against the counter top as they listened to music and waited for the second batch of cookies they had in oven to finish baking.

"Thanks," Lisa laughed as Jennie fed her a piece of cookie dough.

"Mhm," Jennie mumbled happily before popping down the last bit into her own mouth.

Lisa was on cloud nine. She had spent nearly the past twenty-four hours with Jennie, and they had been some of the best they'd ever shared, in her opinion. After their talks both last night and early this morning. Lisa was feeling extremely secure with their relationship. Although, there was one thing she couldn't shake from her mind. At the store earlier, Jennie had defined their relationship in a way neither of them had vocalized until this point. She had called Lisa her girlfriend. Jennie hadn't brought it up afterward, and Lisa hadn't dared to. Part of her thought it might've slipped the girl's tongue on accident, and she didn't want to make things awkward. More than that though, she wasn't sure she wanted to know if it was an accident or not. She quite liked the sound of it, being Jennie's girlfriend.

"You've been kind of quiet tonight," Jennie hummed in Lisa's ear as she stood behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Have I?" Lisa asked innocently as she continued to transfer cookies from a baking sheet to a paper plate.

"You have," Jennie replied, now resting her chin on Lisa's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"More than okay," Lisa assured her, turning her head slightly to smile at the brunette.

"Okay," Jennie smiled as she leaned in to give Lisa a quick kiss.

Lisa turned her attention back to the cookies, and a few moments later she felt Jennie's lips exploring her neck.

"Nini," Lisa grinned as she felt the kisses growing hotter.

"Yes?" Jennie mumbled as she pulled a little patch of Lisa's skin between her teeth teasingly.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked as she picked up a cookie and took a bite of it.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Jennie teased as she leaned in to lick a bit of melted chocolate from the corner of Lisa's mouth.

Lisa squinted her eyes, feigning disgust as she gently pushed on Jennie's cheek. "I know you're not trying to have sex with me in this kitchen." she answered.

"Well if that were the case, then you'd be wrong," Jennie replied as she bent down to place another kiss on an exposed area of skin just off of Lisa's shoulder. "Because that's definitely what I'm trying to do."

"Uh, no," Lisa laughed, attempting to free herself from Jennie's grasp. "Not here, babe." 

"Lili," Jennie whined, bringing her lips back to Lisa's neck as she tightened her grip on the girl's waist. "No one can see us," she whispered, unable to keep from smiling against Lisa's skin.

The community kitchen was closed-in by four walls. The door locked automatically, as you needed to borrow the key from the desk in the lobby in order to use it. And the large glass windows that served as the doors were frosted over everywhere but at the very top and bottom, making it nearly impossible to see in and out.

"Nini," Lisa said again, mocking Jennie's tone.

"I just want to have sex with my incredibly beautiful girlfriend," Jennie contested as she continued peppering Lisa's skin with kisses. "What's wrong with that?"

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