Chapter XXIII

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"What do you mean you didn't tell her!?" Jisoo exclaimed as she threw the softball to Joy.

The girls had eaten breakfast and now were at practice, out in left field in their familiar formation as they engaged in warm-ups. Jisoo had been quick t bring up the fact that Lisa still hadn't told Jennie about the dare.

"I forgot," Lisa shrugged. "We wen right to bed last night."

"Yeah, I'm sure you did," Jisoo laughed.

Lisa shot the girl a look before turning to catch the ball from Joy.

"Sleeping," Lisa corrected. "We went right to sleep."

"They were probably tired out from the bathroom," Joy reminded Jisoo.

Lisa whipped the ball back at Joy in response, putting a little extra heat behind it.

"You're supposed to throw the ball to Jisoo!" Joy yelled after getting her glove up just in time to keep the ball from colliding with her face.

"Oops," Lisa smiled innocently, bringing her own glove under her chin as she batted her eyelashes at the girl. She didn't have time to get it back up again before she saw the ball flying back at her, so she ducked instead. All three girls brought their hands to their mouths when they watched the ball just barely miss Coach Dara's head.

"Oops." Joy repeated, gritting her teeth.

Coach Dara shot the three players a look but before she could open his mouth to yell at them Seulgi quickly stepped in, mouthing a silent apology on the other girl's behalf as she scooped up the ball from the ground and made her way over to where they were standing.

"It was Lisa's fault," Joy spat immediately once Seulgi reached them.

"You threw it," Lisa huffed.

"I'm not going to yell at you," Seulgi laughed as she handed Joy the softball. "I was going to ask what you all were up to tonight?" She grinned mischievously.

"Going to the party you're throwing, I hope," Joy responded, clapping excitedly as she caught onto the shorter girl's insinuations. 

"Yeah that sounds fun," Jisoo nodded.

"Lisa?" Seulgi questioned, her eyes as well as Jisoo and Joy's now set on her expectantly. "You can bring Jennie, of course," she added quickly, as if that was all it would take to convince her.

"I have that paper due tonight," Lisa started, turning her gaze to meet Jisoo's eyes.

"Crap, I forgot about that," her best friend groaned, her shoulders falling as her lips formed into a pout.

"So you guys can get it done beforehand," Joy shrugged. "We'll be there Seulgi bear," she smiled, wrapping an arm around the tiny girl's shoulders.

"Great, well I'll let y'all finish warming up," Seulgi responded, waving as she made her way back across the outfield.

"Have you even started?" Lisa asked Jisoo once Seulgi had disappeared, her eyes turned to Joy as the girl threw her the softball. 

"no," Jisoo winced as she caught the ball from Lisa. "Have you?"

"I'm almost halfway done," Lisa nodded. "We can work on it together after practice.

"Sure," Jisoo sighed. "Hopefully we'll get it done faster that way."


"We're never getting this done," Jisoo whined as she dropped her head onto the surface of Lisa's desk.

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