Chapter XXII

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Lisa's POV

"I told you I was going to fall asleep," Lisa sighed as she rolled on her side to face Jennie who was lying next to her.

After getting back from the movie last night, Jennie had convinced Lisa to stay for a little while since Irene was still off with Seulgi. They had laid together in Jennie's bed, cuddling and kissing until Jennie drifted off to sleep followed by Lisa soon after.

"I'm glad you did," Jennie grinned as she wrapped an arm around Lisa's waist. "I like having you here," she added before leaning to bring her lips to Lisa's.

"Nini," Lisa mumbled gently, pushing against the brunette's chest as she looked over her shoulder.

"She's not here." Jennie informed her as she sat up on her elbows, her eyes following Lisa's gaze to Irene's empty bed. "She never came back last night. I guess her date with Seulgi went well," she laughed, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Lisa smiled weakly, rolling her eyes as she pulled the covers further over her body. She didn't really feel like thinking or talking about Irene at the moment, so she was relieved she wasn't there. Lisa still wasn't sure what to think about everything that had happened last night, particularly witnessing Irene's conversation with Tzuyu and Nancy. Was she crazy to be a little worried about that? Those were two girls who definitely weren't aching to be Lisa's best friend.

"Come here," Lisa directed, lifting the covers again and patting the spot next to her. Jennie immediately obliged, sliding under the sheet and curling into Lisa's side. Lisa let her eyes fall closed once again after wrapping her arms around the girls, the brunette's face tucked into the crook of her neck.

"We're okay, right?" Jennie asked a few minutes later, her soft breath hitting Lisa's skin.

"What?" Lisa questioned as she looked down at Jennie a slight frown.

"You were kind of quiet last night," Jennie replied, gazing intently up at Lisa from beneath her dark lashes.

"I was just tire," Lisa shrugged. "And we feel asleep pretty much right when we got back," she reminded her as she tightened her hold on the girl.

"You're sure that's it?" Jennie asked, biting her lip.

"What else would it be?" Lisa responded.

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" Jennie questioned quietly, burying her face back into Lisa. "About making things official between us?"

Lisa frowned when she saw Jennie wince a little after that last part left the girl's lips. She reached her hand down to place her fingertips beneath Jennie's chin, tilting it slightly so their eyes met once again.

"Not even a little bit," Lisa promised. "I want to be with you, Nini. I want to be your girlfriend. More than anything, actually," she added, moving her fingertips to Jennie's cheek and stroking the skin there gently.

"Okay," Jennie nodded, a small smile creeping across her lips.

"I need you to know that," Lisa continued seriously. "What can I do to prove that to you that I'm totally committed to you, to us?" she nearly whispered, her breathing hitching as Jennie stared up at her intensely.

Jennie reached up, grabbing onto the back of Lisa's neck and pulling their mouths together. Lisa reciprocated the kiss as she kissed Jennie back gently before pushing against the girl's chest when she tried to deepen it.

"That's not what i meant," Lisa laughed lightly, resting her forehead against Jennie's.

"It's what i want," Jennie insisted, wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist and pulling their bodies together.

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