Chapter XXXVII

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Before any of them could say anything else or even move, a voice called from behind them.

"Lisa?" A man she didn't recognized questioned from a few feet away.

"Yeah," Lisa nodded as she watched him approach her. "Do I know you?"

"Lucky guess," he smiled, looking content in the fact that he'd recognized her. "I'm Jennie's dad, Richard," he introduced, moving the banana in his hand to balance it on top of the coffee in the other one so he could extend it to her.

"Hi," Lisa replied breathlessly, meeting his handshake. "Is that for her?" She asked hopefully, her eyes falling on the banana.

"It is," Richard laughed gently. 

This was enough to make Lisa break down again. She was relieved and overwhelmed to finally have some type information. Jennie was alive, and that was a start. 

"She was moved to another room," he explained as he looked over to the now empty one. "Recover," he added with a smile as he motioned for them to follow him.

"Recovery?" Lisa questioned, the tears finally starting to subside as they stood in front of the elevator. "Is she okay?" she asked after taking a deep breath.

"She's a little banged up," Richard replied as they all filed in. "They brought her into surgery last night to repair collapsed lung. She has a few bruised ribs, a concussion and a few cuts and bruises but yes, she'll be okay."

For the first time since she's heard that Jennie had been in an accident, Lisa felt just the slightest smile ghost her lips.

"She'll be happy to see you," Richard continued as they elevator kept climbing. "We were trying to find out a way to contact you, but her phone got left in the car after the accident and we haven't been able to get it back yet."

Lisa nodded and forced a polite smile as the elevator reached it's destination. She was still overwhelmed by the past few hours' events, but she's be lying if she said she didn't get excited hearing that Jennie wanted her there. Things were definitely rocky in their relationship, to say the least, but now she couldn't wait to finally see her again. 

They all walked a little ways down the hallway and finally came to a stop outside of a room that had its door closed.

"She is on some pain killers, and still a little worn out from the surgery so she's asleep right now, but go on in," Richard encouraged as he opened the door, waving Lisa inside. "We'll give you some privacy."

"Thank you," Lisa said, her voice shaky from the crying earlier and a bit of nerves now as well. She walked into the room and heard Jennie's dad, Jisoo, and Joy finally exchanging introductions as the door closed behind her.

Lisa took a deep as she looked at Jennie for the first time in weeks. This definitely wasn't how she was expecting their reunion to take place. She felt tears in her eyes well again as she took in the small brunette's appearance, who looked even smaller in that hospital bed. There was an IV leading to her arm as well as an oxygen mask on her face. She had a large gash across her forehead that looked like it had been stitched up. She pulled a chair over to the side of the bed, immediately reaching to take Jennie's hand in her own. She began to stroke the back of it gently with her thumb while she used her other hand to reach for something in her pocket when she felt Jennie begin to stir.

Jennie's eyes opened slowly, and her look of annoyance immediately faded when she recognized Lisa's appearance. Lisa could see her smile from beneath the clear plastic of the oxygen mask. Jennie reached to pull it off and when Lisa tried to stop her she simply shook her head.

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