Chapter XVIII

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Lisa's POV

"Hungry?" Jennie teased, her face breaking out into a look of amusement as the room filled with the sound of Lisa's rumbling stomach.

"Starving," Lisa replied, clutching at her belly. "Can we go get breakfast? Or is it lunch time?" She questioned, unsure of how late exactly they had slept in.

"Uh, try dinner," Jennie laughed as she sat up in her bed.

After waking up in the middle of the night, the two girls had stayed up talking into the morning. They had finally fallen back asleep around eight, but it was now already a little past five o'clock on that Saturday evening.

"Sure," Jennie smiled, climbing over Lisa and setting foot on the ground where she began to pick up scattered clothing.

"You paid last time, so let me go get grab my wallet," Lisa offered as she began to gather her own clothes before slipping them quickly onto her body.

"Okay," Jennie agreed. "I'll order," she added, picking up her phone from the dock on her desk and dialing the number.

Lisa ran her fingers through her hair after slipping on her t-shirt, then made her way across Jennie's room to walk out of the door.

"Anything but Hawaiian, Nini," Lisa begged jokingly just before disappearing into the hallway.

"Sorry," Couldn't hear you!" She heard Jennie's voice call back.

Lisa shook her head, smiling as she made her way down the hall and back into her own dorm room. She was relieved, to say the least, when she found that Nancy wasn't there. She grabbed her wallet off of her desk and soon found herself back in Jennie's room, forgetting to shut the door upon her re-entrance.

"Is The Breakfast Club on Netflix?" Jennie asked, looking at the screen of the laptop that rested on her legs intently.

"Yeah, I think so but-"

"Hey Jennie," A voice interrupted from the doorway.

Lisa quickly turned on her wheels to see Jisoo and Joy standing out in the hallway.

Jennie gave Lisa a confused look in response to Joy's use of 'Jennie', but Lisa waved her hand at the girl in a 'you don't wanna know", sort of way.

"Hi Joy," Lisa sighed, smiling at the girl whose fingers were locked with those of her best friend. "Hey Chu." 

"Hey Lis," Jisoo smiled before dropping Joy's hand to move to give Lisa a hug.

"Hey," Joy pouted, quickly reaching to take Jisoo's hand back.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lisa asked. "Not that I'm not happy to see you."

"I told her we were probably interrupting y'all getting freaky," Joy defended.

"You didn't," Lisa said quickly. "We weren't."

"Mhm," Joy hummed, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nini, tell her we weren't," Lisa pleaded jokingly, but Jennie just shrugged. "We were just about to eat," Lisa assure her teammates.

"We didn't ask for details," Joy teased.

"Okay, enough," Jisoo laughed, shoving Joy's shoulder playfully. "That's actually why we're here, we wanted to see if you two wanted to go grab dinner."

"Sorry, we just ordered pizza," Lisa informed her. Although she wasn't really sorry, she was enjoying all of the much-missed alone time she was getting with Jennie.

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