Chapter XI

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"Fuck!" Lisa hissed under her breath once she threw the ball back to Jisoo who was standing on the pitching mound. She had just had her third error of the day, which sent in the game tying run for the other team. It was Saturday evening, and the team was playing their last game of the day. They were now tied with their opponents 5-5 at the bottom of the sixth inning.

Lisa tore off her visor and used her left wrist to wipe sweat from her brow. She put it back on her head, readjusting it as she watched Jisoo throw a strike. She took a deep breath in an effort to compose herself. She had been completely off of her game today and in turn had put in one of the worst performances of her entire playing career. She wished she could say it was just an off day, but she knew exactly why she was struggling. Lisa couldn't get her mind off of Jennie. The stress the thoughts and doubts about their relationship were bringing her had not only kept her awake the past two nights, but they had also followed her to the field. She wasn't normally one to let outside problems get to her once it came to game time, especially relationship ones, and that just frustrated her even more.

Lisa let out a sigh of relief when Jisoo struck out the next batter, ending the second to last inning. She jogged back to the dugout with her head down, but her eyes shot up when she felt someone bump her shoulder rather harshly.

"Nice one, freshman," Momo sneered ass she pushed past the blonde girl and stepped down into the dugout.

"Shut the fuck up, Momo," Lisa shot back as she followed behind her. Normally she would just brush the captain's comments off, but not today.

"Excuse me?" Momo scoffed as she turned back around to face Lisa, glaring into her challenging eyes.

"I said shut the fuck up," Lisa repeated crossing her arms across her chest completely unwilling to back down.

"Girls," Seulgi attempted softly, appearing behind Momo's shoulder.

Momo simply held up her hand, ignoring the girl's attempt to intervene. "I don't know what your deal is, but that's the second run you've cost us today. So what was that you were saying again?" She directed to Lisa.

"you're up first to bat," Joy said from behind Lisa, grabbing the girl's arm to turn her around slightly and hand her the bat.

"Hold on a second," a deep voice interrupted. "Jongyeon, you'll be taking her spot in the hitting order. And in left field in the bottom of the inning as well," Coach Dara directed casually to another freshman who was currently sat on the bench of the dugout. "Take a seat, Manoban," she added as she looked down at her clipboard.

"Coach-" Lisa protested, her face hot as she raised her voice.

"I said take a seat," Coach Dara said more firmly as she lifted her eyes from the clipboard and moved them from where Lisa stood to an empty spot on the bench.

Lisa released the bat she held in her hand and threw it onto the ground. The force behind it caused it to skid across the floor of the dugout until it hit the toe of her coach's shoe, causing it to come to a stop. 

"You better take a moment to stop and think about what you're doing. Lisa," Coach Dara warned, her voice calm. "You're an important member of this team, but you're not irreplaceable. Remember that."

Lisa was fuming at this point, she was completely overwhelmed by a fury of different emotions and she wasn't thinking clearly. She raised her hand and opened her mouth to say something but before she could get any words out Seulgi stepped in front of her, grabbing both of her arms and gently pushing her backwards.

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