Chapter XXXII

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Everything was not okay.

In fact, everything was the complete and total opposite of okay. 


It was nearing the two-week mark since Jennie's birthday, and Lisa hadn't even spoken to her since then. Not a text, not a phone call, and surely not a face-to-face conversation. The only time she'd even seen Jennie was in passing with the brunette connected to Joy's hip.

To make things worse, Jisoo and Joy were having relationship problems of their own. Their relationship was in a little bit of a better state than Lisa and Jennie's, but honestly, not much.

Lisa blamed herself a little for that. It seemed as if the two girls felt like they needed to choose sides, and that had been part of the reason for their rift. The majority of it though, was the partying. 

Jennie had apparently started drinking again. It had started out innocent, according to Jisoo, as the two girls went out the Friday following Jennie and Lisa's break-up.

(The frustrating thing was, Lisa wasn't even sure she could call it a break-up. She had absolutely no idea where she stood with Jennie because she couldn't even get her to talk to her. All she knew was it wasn't good.)

Apparently Jennie and Joy had fun at the party on that Friday, so much that they had gone out the following night as well as nearly every other night that week, not caring about the fact that it was a school night. Joy had seemed fine at practice, but before they'd started fighting Joy had confided in Jisoo and told her that Jennie had been getting a little out of control. And Jennie had seemingly dragged Joy down with her, as the two were soon off on their own every night, leaving Joy with little time for Jisoo.

It killed Lisa to hear that Jennie was drinking again, especially that she was getting out of control. She couldn't help but feel guilty. She wanted nothing more than to be the one there for Jennie while she was hurting, but that just wasn't an option. Every time she tried, Jennie just ignored her.

It was now another Saturday night, and Jisoo and Lisa were sprawled out on Seulgi's couch passing around a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream as they binge watched episodes of the first season of American Horror Story, which had been Lisa's choice.

"I can't believe I'm watching this," Seulgi whined as she pulled the blanket on her lap up to her eyes.

"I don't mind it," Jisoo shrugged before plunging another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"It's only because I love you," Seulgi informed Lisa, peering over the edge of the blanket in her direction.

"Perks of being dumped I guess," Lisa mumbled as she sank back into the couch.

Jisoo had been close with Seulgi all year, and while they always been friendly, Lisa was just now spending more time with the captain who was nearly three years her senior. They had somewhat bonded after Seulgi found Lisa in the dugout after practice on the Monday following Jennie's birthday. Lisa had been a broken down mess and Seulgi had simple been there for her. Over the past two weeks they spend a lot of time together, and Seulgi was quickly becoming one of her most valued friends.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Seulgi offered.

"You just want to stop watching this," Lisa teased as she took the ice cream back from Jisoo. 

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