ACT 14, SCENE 4.

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(Mr. Williams is seen waiting anxiously with Alero in the reception)

Doctor: Congratulations sir. Your wife has delivered two bouncing baby boys.

Mr. Williams: Glory is to God Almighty. Thank you very much sir.

Doctor: I didn't do anything o! I just went to get another doctor and madam had already delivered.

Mr. Williams: Imagine... It means our money would be less.

Doctor: (bursts into laughter)

Alero: Doctor, can we see them now?

Doctor: Why not?

Alero: (ran into the ward to see her brothers) how are you mum?

Mrs. Williams: Very fine, dear. Take a look at James and John.

Alero: They are so identical.

Mr. Williams: Yes, I can hardly tell which is which.

Alero: And that's why they are special.

Family: (Hug passionately)

(Lights out)

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