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They closed their eyes as they bumped foreheads.

K: I love you.

S: I love you too...

                                                                                                                      7 Years Later...

Kris sat back in his couch, thinking immensely. His thoughts consumed him to the point where he didn't hear, didn't see, didn't feel. He didn't hear his front door knocking at first, He then heard.

K: Coming!

He got up from his couch and towards the front door. He opened it to find a reptile-like monster. His tone was light orange, and he clearly had no arms.

K: Woah. M.K!

M.K: Hey Kris! I was in town and I wanted to visit.

K: Oh yeah! Come in.

Kris let out his arm to let M.K in. He walked in.

M.K: Thanks.

Kris shut the door and sat down at the couch.

K: Make yourself at home.

M.K sat down across from Kris.

M.K: I heard you moved here after graduation, but I didn't know. I was in town to pick up some stuff when I saw your motorcycle at the driveway.

Years back, Kris had gotten a motorcycle from Josh for his 15th birthday.

K: I guess someone would've found me one day or another.

M.K: Yeah, people back home were concerned for you after you basically disappeared.

A moment of complete silence filled the house.

K: How's everyone back home?

M.K: Well, Josh got a job as an auto mechanic.

K: Good to hear. He needed a job.

M.K: The jocks went into the state football team, and are going into nationals.

K: Lucky guys. And how's Mom?

M.K: Still herself. Thankfully.

K: So, how's...

M.K: Her?

K: Yeah...

M.K: Kris, you have to come back. She needs you more then ever.

K: I wish I could, M.K. I really do.

M.K: So why don't you?!

Kris was surprised at this. M.K never raised his voice at someone, let alone his friend.

K: It's a personal thing. I'm wrapped in something, and, well...

M.K Stared at him.

K:..I can't have her wrapped in it too. It's too dangerous.

M.K: Owe some favors?

K: Something like that.

M.K: Ok. I understand.

M.K walked towards the door.

M.K: But, sooner or later, you have to come back.

Kris knew this. But with it latched onto him, it was a dangerous move. But he couldn't just leave them without hope.

K: I will. In time.

M.K: I hope so.

Kris walked over to the front door and opened it.

K: Well, it was nice to see you again.

M.K: You too.

M.K walked out of the house.

K: Keep in touch?

M.K: 'Course. See ya!

K: See you.

Kris closed the door, looking down at his hand. The veins were a dark red shade.

K: Should I?

Kris thought about this. It had been so long since he'd seen them. But...

K: I guess a couple days wouldn't harm anyone.

Kris walked towards his room to pack...

The Last Story/ The Guardians: Chapter 2 - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now