1. Introduction

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Layla's POV:

I returned home from school soaked from the rain. I swear the weather has more mood swings than I do. Like, who would have thought that after a week of sunshine and stuff it would rain cats and dogs?!

I went straight to my room, jumped in the shower, threw the dump clothes on the radiator so that they would dry and wore my bear onesie. Ahh that onesie is the softest thing in the world, I swear. I grabbed the scale from under my bed, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and stepped on it. 50,03 kg. Fuck! I gained like 0,03 kg.. great!

If you couldn't already tell, I am obsessed with my weight. I was never really that fat or anything but I always felt the urge to be thinner than the thinnest person in school. I know, dump but it makes me feel better for some reason.

Amy Richards, that's the girl that has the lowest body weight at the moment. She weights 46 kg and my goal is 45 kg. I really had to observe how she maintained her small figure before I started everything, but the only thing I found out is that her metabolism has blessed her since she eats like a beast and doesn't gain a bit. But then again, she is like 150 centimeters tall so It isn't that hard for her.

I've been trying to loose weight for 3 months now. I started at 67,08 kg and now I am just 5,03 kg before my goal. This is the thinnest I'll ever be. Last year, I had a goal of 55,00 kg. I do everything I can. Skip meals, eat only if I really really need it, exercise and sometimes I even make myself puke if I've eaten something sugary or with carbs.

I decided it was time to get to sleep since eating nothing makes me really tired, so I set my alarm for school.


"Get up!" I heard a giggly voice. My baby sister,
Riley. She jumped on me and started shaking me like crazy. I wish I was 6 years old too. The only thing that I'd care about is to make sure I don't miss spongebob on the TV.

"Fine, fine." I say getting out of bed and picking her up. She seems to have started to weight more than she did and my skinny hands can't really hold her up for that long anymore.

Mum works night shifts so she returns after we get to school and sleeps. That's why I have to take care of Riley since dad works in South Carolina, which is way far from London. He is my rock, literally. I call him every time I have a problem and he is always so considerate.

I heated up Riley's milk and ran back upstairs to my room to get ready for school. I put on an oversized hoodie that used to fit just perfectly but ever since I lost weight it seems to have loosen up. Well obviously, since I weight almost one third of what I used to. I put on a pair of jeans and my Nike Air Force. I keep my hair straight and put on some concealer to cover up my dark under eye circles that look like I have just woken up from the dead. I grab my backpack throw my keys and phone in it, kiss Riley on the head, wave at Naslyn who is her nanny and head to the bus station.


I arrived at school 15 minutes late since the bus was late and there was an old lady that it took her 2 whole minutes to get off of it. I rushed inside and knocked on the door. The noise that could be heard from the outside suddenly disappears and I know that that's my queue to get in. I open the door and everyone is staring at me like I am some kind of alien. I hate when that happens like why do they have to stare like that? Mr. Venver motions for me to go to my seat and I walk to the back of the class where it is.

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