18. We made an oopsie

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Layla's POV:

Louis asked me to meet up with him at his house. I got out of my house, making sure Sam wasn't still waiting on the porch for me. I started walking to Louis' since it was very close to my own house.

I knocked on the door and was immediately greeted by his younger sister, Lottie.

"I'm guessing, you're here because of my brother being all worked up?" She asked with a half smile.

"I ugh.. yeah," I replied sighing.

I didn't know if Louis had told her so I thought that agreeing with her is the best I can do.

"Come on in then!" She said leading me to the living room where Louis' twin sisters were.

I first met them when they were way younger since my mum was friends with their mum, Johannah. Unfortunately, she passed out two years ago but, it seems like the loss has grown them closer. Especially after losing their other sister, Felicité just a few months ago.

"Hey! Um, Layla right?" One of them smiled. I think it was Phoebe but then again, I can't really tell them apart since I don't know them all that well.

"Daisy." She said as if she read my mind about which twin she was.

I just smiled cause I felt a bit awkward.

Meanwhile, the other one, Phoebe I suppose, stepped on the staircase and shouted for Lou to come down.

"What'd you want again, Pheebs?" He shouted back and like damn. He can tell them apart by just their voices. Talent.

"Come down here for a minute! There's someone waiting for you, jackass!" She shouted again and Louis' bedroom door could be heard opening and then being followed by a loud thud. Probably cause he closed it behind him.

"You are finally here! Took you long enough, love. Come." He said all way too dramatically motioning for me to follow him upstairs.

He opened his bedroom door and I saw Zayn laying on a make shift bed playing,
surprise surprise, video games.

"Hey Horan." He said with an evil smirk spread all across his face.

"Shut up!" I said tossing one of the pillows that were on the ground to him.

"I swear to god. If I lose the game because of you two's annoying bickering I'll throw both of you out of Tommo's house." He said going back to playing the 'game'.

"Zip it Malik." Louis shut him up.

"Why is he even here? He knows?" I whispered to Lou.

"It's like my second home here and stop freaking whispering. Of course I know. I'm this fucker's best friend somehow." Zayn said still fixated on whatever he was playing.

"It's alright, he knows. I think that we might have made an oopsie though." Louis averted his attention on me again.

"Define oopsie?" I asked.

"Me and Harry might have had been making out when your ex boyfriend, that is an ass by the way, walked in the shower room and thought we were fucking and he threatened that he will tell everyone and I need you to talk him out of it cause we don't want anyone random to know yet." He said all that in one breath, flashing me a fake smile at the end.

"I know. He came over just before I got your text but, I told him to leave."

"Are you insane? You need to talk to him. Please, Lay do this for me, please." He begged.

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