15. Tell your beloved friends what's up

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Layla's POV:

Monday morning passed by quickly. I had the worst classes ever. History and Chemistry being just two of the god awful ones I was forced to attend if I wanted to leave this place soon enough.

The boys had football practice so me and Tori decided to go watch them like we did last week. It's so funny because they, especially Louis, are so into it. They could really go on and talk about it for hours without getting bored.

"It's my cousin's wedding this Saturday and I need to go buy a new dress. Wanna come with?" Tori said when I asked her what she's doing later.

"Oh um my dad actually asked me to invite you all to a barbecue we are gonna have over at my house on Saturday." I told her.

I wanted to say it to the others during lunch but a conversation about Harry's plastic duck caught my attention and I forgot about it.

"Well, I can't pass on the wedding, as much as I want to." She pouts.

"Why? Do you like hate your cousin's guts or something?" I joke.

"Yeah." She says seriously looking back at the guys who were running.

"Oh." I mutter.

"She is marrying this business man just because he has money. She used to live with us last summer and she wouldn't shut up about how much she needed money for her boob job. One time she locked me outside my house for the whole night because she was asleep and my mum was out. So yeah, I hate her and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual." She shrugged and I nodded.

"So do you want to come with me? Help me pick a dress?" She asked after a moment of silence.

Before I could answer a shout cut me off. Louis.

"Do you need a lot of brains to understand that the fucking ball has to hit the net and not the fucking rod you fucking loser?" He shouted at one of the youngest members of the team.

He was a sophomore and he was a bit of a show off, so I actually quite enjoyed how Lou told him off.

Liam tried to calm Lou down but he just took off the headband he was wearing to keep his hair out of his face and threw it to the ground going back to the bench.

I looked at Tori and she looked back at me when we both started laughing.

"Alright, I'll come with." I finally say.

"We should ask those losers to come too, if they want." I say trying to imitate Louis' accent.

"There is this football match, Manchester against Liverpool tonight so don't think they would join us even if we bribed them." She said chuckling and to be honest, she had a point.

We ended up leaving before their practice was over just cause we wanted to catch the bus to the mall.

After going through a bunch of stores and clothes' racks she finally found a fitting short black dress that had a wrapping illusion. It was simple but with Tori's face she could make it look incredible.

She told me to go wait at the queue to the cashier while she was changing back to her clothes. I walked over to where the line ended and wow, for a Monday this place is packed.

My phone lit up as soon as I reached the cashier and saw that I got a text. Luckily Tori got out of the dressing room at that moment and took care of the paying while I unlocked my phone.

It was a text from Zayn?

Zayn: TF LAY???

Lay: What happened?

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