8. He has STD

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Layla's POV:

It's Friday and I'm currently sitting in class chatting with Tori. The bell rings and
Mrs. Addison gets in.

"Alright everyone. I suppose that all, or most of you have seen the movie already so I decided that it'd be fun to describe it and then compare it to the book once everything is said." She says.

"Okay, Mr. Payne, why don't you start?" She asks Liam.

"Well, the movie starts with an amusement park scene, I think." He says.

"Yeah and what happens next?" She motions for him to continue.

"I already told you something! Can't someone else continue?" He asks and she puts her palm over her face.

"Okay, Mrs. Johnson, please continue." She points to Tori.

"There's a guy called Noah and he is hanging out with his friend at The amusement park. He sees a girl he knows and goes up to her to greet her but he also sees that the girl he knows is hanging out with another one whom he finds very pretty." Tori says and the teacher nods.

"Okay, Mr. Styles, please." She looks at Harry.

"I didn't do anything!" Harry says and
Mrs. Addison rolls her eyes.

"I meant please go on with the story." She explains.

"Oh so erm basically ahh ,you know, l haven't seen that movie in aaages soo." He trails off.

"Oh come on Styles! It's your fucking favorite film!" Zayn shouts from the other side of the classroom laughing which makes Harry flip him off. I didn't know that Harry was such a softie.

"Language!" The teacher shouts.

"Okay, it is my favorite film. FINE! So basically he wants to ask her out but he is afraid that she'll turn him down since she is super rich like billions of dollars rich. If I had her money, I'd buy so many tea bags and try t-"

"Mr. Styles you are getting out of subject. No one cares about tea bags." Harry puts an arm over his chest pretending to be offended.

"And yeah so he decides to do something extreme. Meaning that, while she is on the Ferris Wheel, he climbs the things that hold the whole thing together and hangs from the top of the Wheel that is stopped by now and yeah, he asks her out and after a lot of convincing she gives in." Harry smiles.

"Okay thank you Mr. Styles for that extremely detailed analysis.. uhh moving on to Mrs. Ambers" She diverts to Hannah who is not in class like always. She is probably hooking up with someone behind the bleachers.

"Fine then, Mr. Malik would you like to continue?" She asks Zayn.

"Yeah Malik. Continue for fuck's sake." Harry says teasing Zayn. These two are really close but love to piss the shit out of each other.

"Language god damn it!" Mrs. Addison is enraged at this point.

"Okay, I'll continue." Zayn says and she nods her head.

"So um they lay in the middle of the street looking at the stars and people are honking and shi- stuff. I meant stuff. Erm uh yeah so then they kind of start dating and umm her parents don't like him but his dad likes Allie uh yeah, her name is Allie and then they have a fight which is not in the book by the way and uh yeah, yeah that happens and then-"

"Thank you Mr. Malik that's enough. Mrs. Samuels, go on." She points to Ava.

"Um so then he works at I don't even wanna know what it is cause I, like Allie, come from the rich part of town and-" Everyone rolls their eyes and Mrs. Addison looks at Louis.

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