Wishing You Were Gay.. Young!Saihara x Young!Ouma

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Shuichi's POV.
16th June, 6th grade

"Saihara~channnnn!" a eleven year-old boy hugged me from behind, causing me to almost fall over my chair.

That's my good friend since kindergarten, Kokichi Ouma. Always having a bright, cheeky smile on his face. He sat down on the table next to me, preparing for lesson.
We've been in the same school for about 7 years now. He's been friends with me since.


The bell screeched. Everyone got up and got ready for recess, "Hey Shuichi, can we go for recess together? I'm free today.." a blonde-haired girl turned over.

Her name was Kaede Akamatsu.
A girl who was rumored to have a crush on me, but I was never sure. Either way, I think we'd be better off as friends.
I nodded silently to Kaede, seeing an Ouma about to say something, but kept silent. I wonder what he was going to say...

Kaede took me to the rooftop as we ate together. I looked down at my empty bento box as Kaede questioned, "Hey, Shuichi... What do you think of that Kokichi Ouma guy?"
"W-well, he is my f-friend, Akamatsu~chan..."
Kaede nodded. She seemed to be smiling, continuing, "Do you want to go play together?" I nodded once more silently, packing up my bento box.

As we walked past the hallways, I noticed the purple-haired boy sitting on the staircase. I peered over, watching silently. Kaede looked towards me, making a slightly.. Disgusted expression?
Kokichi seemed to be singing a song, he always used to sing back then. It was nice, until he abruptly stopped one day. I wondered why for such a long time, but never got to bring it up in any of our conversations.

"I just wanna make you feel okay..
But all you do is look the other way..
I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay...

I just kinda wish you were gay."

I then felt a grip on my arm, it was Kaede. What..? I then started wondering as I continued walking with her.

Who was Ouma referring to?

And I never found out, only until today.


Kokichi's POV.
17th July, 6 years later.

Kokichi stood at the bottom of the cherry tree that blossomed at the back of Hope's Peak Academy For Gifted Juveniles. The only thing on his mind at the moment was his beloved, Shuichi Saihara.
He softly squished the paper in his hand, biting his lip as he saw his beloved slowly walking over, "H-hey, good to see you Kokichi..."

Kokichi couldn't get over the fact the two of them were just romantically standing in front of a tree, him about to confess his love to Shuichi after so long.
"Hey Shuichi. I.. uh-... Asked you to come here to tell you something.."
Shuichi smiled softly, signalling him to continue.
"I-I... I love you a lot okay?! I loved you since we were kids Shuichi, and that's no lie!"
Before Kokichi could continue, his eyes shot wide open to Shuichi leaning in and kissing him.
"I suppose he was gay after all, huh?"
Kaede smiled softly.


530 words. Remind you of something?

Yumeno~chan thanks you for reading her first ever oneshot! She worked pretty hard on it too!
She also would like to say that if you all have any suggestions for more oneshots, drop them in the suggestion box which is the previous chapter. Thankies!~

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