43. Meeting Jackie

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Song for this chapter:

Noelani's pov
After about half an hour there is a knock on the door. I walk over and open it slowly. I'm greeted by a smallish woman with short brown hair and glasses.

"Hi you must be Tyler's mum." I say opening the door wider and letting her in.

Secretly I was fangirling like hell. Queen Jackie is in the apartment!

"Yes and you must be Noelani. You are very pretty." She says hugging me.

"Awh thank you" I say going red a little bit.

We walk through to the living room and she sits down on the couch making herself at home.

"Would you like a hot drink or anything?" I ask.

"Yes please. I would like tea." She says smiling.

I smile back politely and go into the kitchen and turn on the kettle. I get out two mugs and two tea bags.

As I wait for the kettle to boil I look at the calendar and realise it's the 14th January.

"Happy Birthday me." I say to myself.

I sigh as it's just like all my other birthdays. Forgotten and not exciting. I just see it as another day with a tiny meaning behind it. The failed excuse for a human to come into the world. Yay!

I walk back to the kettle and lean on the counter waiting for the kettle to click. Soon the little noise fills my ears and I turn to face It and pour the water.

I add milk and stir it and carry them into the living room. Jackie is sat on the couch looking around.

"Why, I have never seen this place so clean." She laughs.

I laugh slightly.

"Yeah I kinda cleaned it. I mean the boys aren't in so I took the opportunity." I say sipping at my drink.

She gulps her drink down and I try to hold in a laugh. She's finished it and I haven't even had my third sip yet.

"That was really nice." She says putting her mug on the coster.

"I'm glad." I say smiling.

"You seem like such a sweet young girl. Im surprised Connor or one of their friends haven't been all over you." She says innocently.

I choke on my tea, shocked at what she just said to me.

"I'm joking!" She laughs.

"Oh good... You had me scared for a moment Ms. Oakley." I say taking a deep breath.

"Please, call me Jackie." She says touching my hand.

I smile slightly. First name basis in twenty minutes, this is going well.

"But I guess it is kinda true. But wait... #Nonnor all the way!" She squeals.

I laugh slightly. If only she knew that me and Connor are actually a thing. I think Tyler deserves to know first though.

"Haha, I guess you are part of the fandom as well." I say smiling.

"Yes and also #Toelani. Speaking of Tyler, have you seen his baby photo's?" She asks me.

I shake my head at the sudden turn of conversation. First we were just talking, then she moves onto why none of the boys friends or Connor hasn't tried to get it on with me yet.

And now she has jumped from that I Tyler's baby photo's. Well I guess these conversations are different compared to others you can have.

She runs to Tyler's room, leaving me alone on the couch. I hear her talking to herself in Ty's room and she soon returns with a photo album.

"Don't tell Tyler I have shown you this because he will kill me." She says opening it.

I awh when I see baby Tyler. He was adorable. There's a photo of him dressed up as a wizard and then one when he was a college kid and another of him working in Mac Donald's with his three friends.

The last photo in the album has Tyler, Connor and me in it. I smile slightly and Jackie closes the album. She puts it back in Tylers room and when she sits down the front door opens.

The boys walk in talking and carrying a lot of grocery bags and shopping bags.

"Tyler!" Jackie squeals.

"Mum? Mum!" Tyler says excitedly.

He puts the bags down and hugs his mum. I smile slightly and I walk over slowly. Tyler smiles at me and I smile back.

I pick up the bags Tyler put down and they are full of groceries. As Tyler and his mum catch up I pack everything away in the cupboards or fridge.

"Hello beautiful." I hear Connor say.
I turn around and smile at him.

"Hey, I missed you."

"I missed you more." He says pulling me in his arms.

I giggle and hug him back.

"Where did you guys go?" I ask. "You were gone for ages."

"We went food shopping and then we also remembered something so we also bought some other things." Connor says holding back a smile.

"Oh very nice." I say giggling.

He leans down and kisses my head and we both walk out the kitchen and sit on the couch next to Jackie and Tyler who are still talking away.

I guess that's something good about this birthday. I get to spend it with people that actually care about me. Even if they have forgotten that it's my birthday, they can still make it that one step better.


Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed these chapters! The next five days will be one update but I might be sneaky and add two to one of the days. Only if your lucky though!

Do you think the boys have forgotten that it's Noelani's birthday?

Do you think Jackie likes Noelani?

Do you think Jackie is here for Noelani's birthday as well as seeing Tyler and Connor?

What do you think the boys had also brought?

If you enjoyed these two chapters make sure to give them a vote because it lets me know and it motivates me to update quicker and make the chapters better for you all!

Leave a comment telling me what you think so far and also answer the questions because I would love to know your answers!

Thank you so much!

Bye! Xx

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