28. Friends?

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Songs for this chapter:

Stuck Like Glue- Sugarland

(Please play the song when told!)


Connor's pov

Before I went to sleep last night I done what I had to do to hopefully fix what I done between me and Noelani. I snuck into her room somehow because it has been impossible the other times me and Tyler have tried, and I placed the flowers and teddy next to her.

I put on some clothes and do my hair and then walk out into the living room. I see Tyler drinking his coffee as he scrolls through his tumblr and I go and make myself a coffee. I bring it back and sit next to Ty.

"I hope your plan works, I really want you and Noelani to be friends again." Tyler says looking away from his screen.

"So do I. I don't even know why I made such a fuss about her not texting me that day." I say feeling bad.

"It's because you care about her." He says smiling slightly.

"I guess I do. I just wish I wasn't such a dick towards her. I hope she hasn't done anything... You know... That she could regret."

"I'm sure she hasn't. I have faith in her." Tyler says looking back at his screen.

"I can't believe I said all those things to her though. I feel horrible."

"I think Noelani knows you were only trying to protect her, but when you ignored her or asked who she was, I think she felt broken. I could see her break apart. But I think she will forgive you. Or at least I hope she does, it's been way too quiet not having the three of us together laughing. I miss it, having her here with us has changed our lives Connor." Tyler says as tears fill his eyes slightly.

After that we hear a door open quietly. And a slight sniffle.

(Play song now!)

Noelani's pov

I wake up the next morning and look at my phone. I see that it is 10:30 am and I lock my phone and stare up at the ceiling.

I look at my door slightly and half my vision is filled with red and white. I look next to me and see a bunch of red and white roses and a teddy.

I sit up and look at the card that was gently placed inside the flowers. I open the envelope and read the card.

"Dear Noelani, I'm sorry I was horrible to you the other day. I said things that I would of never dreamed of saying to you but I did. I honestly regret saying them to you and my body is filled with guilt. I miss not being able to see you even though you are in the same house as me. I didn't mean what I said to you, I was just upset. Please come out of your room? Love Connor x p.s Tyler misses you too."

I put the card down and look at the teddy. I pick it up and smile slightly. I look at the flowers again and they were gorgeous.

I put on some clothes and do my hair and make up. I take a shaky breath and step out of my room for the first actual time in days.

I hear the boys stop talking and I look at them feeling scared. They both stand up and smile nervously. Connor starts walking towards me and Tyler behind.

I take a shaky step forwards and then I notice my feet are moving without me wanting them to. I run into Connor's arms crying. I feel his arms wrap around me tightly and he squeezes me tight.

"I'm so sorry Connor." I say in tears. He rubs my back and holds me tightly.

"Don't be, it's my fault Hun." He says quietly. "I didn't mean a word I said to you. I was just upset because I wanted to know if you were safe and it angered me slightly that you didn't text me or Tyler. But I feel stupid for making such a fuss out of it because you were okay. And now I have upset you and broken you."

I pull away and look at him. "I should of texted you. I just wanted to be alone and I thought that if I texted you I wouldn't be having the privacy I wanted. And I'm use to being alone." I say as tears roll down my cheeks.

"I understand that. I just wish I listened to you instead from saying those horrible things. Will you forgive me?" He asks nervously.

"Of course I will. I missed not having my best friend." I say scanning his face and smiling slightly.

"I missed you too." He says happily.

I notice Tyler wiping his eyes and I walk into his arms.

"I'm glad you're back with us." He says hugging me.

"I'm glad you wanted me back with you both. I'm sorry I ignored you. You didn't do anything. I was upset and I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry Ty. Are we still friends?"

"Of course. I would never give up on you." He says laughing slightly. I giggle in his arms and we both pull away.

I scratch my arm nervously and I notice Tyler looking at my wrists. I show them to him. "I didn't hurt myself, I promise." I say smiling slightly.

"Good. I am proud of you." He says taking both my hands. I feel slightly weird that he is holding them and he let's go and puts them in his pockets. I notice something strange about his expression but I choose to ignore it.

"The fans have been worried about you. We should tell them the three of us are back together. I made another video the other day." Connor says nervously.

"I understand Connor." I say smiling still. The three of us sit down on the couch together and Connor and Tyler pull out their phones.

"We should take a selfie to show them we aren't lying." Tyler says awkwardly. I smile and nod and I cuddle into him as Connor cuddles into me.

The three of us smile and he takes the photo and puts it up on twitter telling them we are good now.

"My turn!" Connor squeals. I giggle and cuddle into him as Tyler cuddles into me. "I want silly faces." Connor says.

The three of us have the same idea and stick our tongues out. He takes the photo and does the same as Tyler.



So I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. It actually had a sing! *Hears clapping* They are all friends again! Yay!

So the next chapter I am super excited about y'all reading.... it's my favourite yet by far and you will see why on Friday!

I have wrote so many chapters though... Shit gets exciting....

If you enjoyed this chapter please leave it a vote and leave a comment on what you think so far! Also what you think the next chapter is gunna be about!

Thank you so much for reading!

Bye! xx

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