3. Being In A Youtube Video.

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Noelani's pov

Tyler asks me to sit out of the camera's view so he can start the video. As he was making his hair perfect the nerves started to come to me. I have never really liked being in a video, photo or even a voice recording.

I notice that my palms are sweaty and that I feel overheated. I look over at Tyler as he finishes up his hair. He asks me if I am ready, I brush through my hair quickly with my fingers and give him a slight nod.

Tyler's pov

I can't help but notice how much Noelani is shaking. She must be really nervous. I would wait until tomorrow to film but this video is already three days late and my people are starting to worry about me.

I ask her if she is ready and she brushes her light brown hair with her fingertips and nods at me. I lean over and turn on my camera to start filming. "Why hello everyone. My name is Tyler Oakley and today I have a special guest! She is going to be staying with me and Connor..."

"Woo, yah!" cheered Connor from the kitchen.

"... haha she is new to America and I would like to welcome her." I wave Noelani to sit next to me. "So say your name."

"Hey, my name is N- Noelani." She replies nervously, with a little quiver in her voice.

"Why are you in America? And more importantly why do I have to share my apartment with you now gurl?" I say sarcastically.

"Well... I- I'm in America because it's been my dream to move here and other personal reasons... And I'm staying here because my hotel, I definitely booked, has claimed that I apparently "cancelled" my room even though I didn't, so Tyler and Connor found me and offered me to stay here for a while until I find somewhere else to stay, which is very kind of them. But we met at the airport the same day so we aren't complete strangers." she says with a smile.

"Yes that's right! As you can see she is very beautiful and has a gorgeous smile..."

"You can say that again... she is stunning!" shouts Connor as he jumps on the couch next to me. I look over at Noelani and see that her cheeks are a dark shade of pink, is she blushing? Awh, so cute!

"So, I have asked you guys on twitter to ask questions for me to ask Noelani with the hashtag '#AskNoelani' so lets see what you people want to know about her!" I pull out my iphone and scroll through the hashtag for questions, there are some really good questions so I better start asking.

Noelani's pov

"So, I have asked you guys on twitter to ask questions for me to ask Noelani with the hashtag '#AskNoelani' so lets see what you people want to know about her!"

Shit! I can't tell them too much about myself because it won't look very good. I have had a bad childhood and had a crap time as a teenager and I haven't told anyone so I'm definitely not going to tell millions of people!

"Ah here are some basic questions okay? So, how old are you? When's your birthday? Whats your favourite colour? What are your hobbies?" Tyler reads of his phone. Thank god these ones are easy!

"I am twenty years old and my birthday is on the 14th January. My favourite colour is blue or violet. And in my spare time I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music or taking a walk somewhere." Those questions were okay I guess...

"Your birthday is close by!" Connor says excitedly. Connor and Tyler look at each other and they nod slightly. What is all this nodding about?

After answering more questions like what school I went to, what are my favourite things and loads more, there is one last question that I can't answer. "What was your childhood like? Do you have any memories of being a child? Was you ever bullied as a child?" Tyler asks me, hesitating slightly.

Memories start flooding my brain. I have been bullied all through my life. When haven't I been bullied is a better question. I don't remember any good memories because I don't have any, everyday in England was hell for me.



Sorry I haven't updated for the past few days! I have been really busy! I haven't had the time to update the story but I am now so here is a new part!

I hope you like this chapter! Sorry if it is a bit boring but you now know a little bit more about Noelani!

Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment on this chapter! Sorry there wasn't a song but I couldn't find one I liked to go with this chapter! But if you know a song that I could use then please comment the song title and who it is by!

Thank you so much!

Bye x

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