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Okay, Now that I have bought this gift, the next step is to knock the door give then give the gift and then the mobile number and then exchange a few words with them and then hopefully never see their faces again. Here we go.. Wish me, luck people.

*Leo takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. *


Oh, it's a mature voice, I think it's the mother.

*The door opens*

"Umm... Good evening mam, I am your neighbour and I am here to give you this welcoming gift."

Why did I get a sense of Deja vu as soon as I saw this woman's face it really made me lose all my composure, and to make it worse she looks really beautiful and believe me when I say this, she is absolutely gorgeous.

*The woman happily accepts the gift*

"Good evening....."

*The woman makes gestures, enquiring about his name.*

"Oh sorry... It's Leo- Leo Moore Mam"

What is happening to me? why am derping so much? Come on Leo you are the best you can do it...

"Thank you so much, Leo, and please call me Mrs. Cornell."

"Yes Mrs. Cornell"

Oh, Shit she is one of those ...

"Leo please come in..... I'll make some tea or coffee."

Oh, my heart is melting! No one has been this nice or polite with me in such a long time. I might just take the offer, but I know it's just a facade and once I'm done with her she would not even care to look at my house. It's just how it is people.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cornell, but I've got some work to do so... I will surely come by next time."

That means never.

"Oh... It's okay. Maybe next time but I really wanted to introduce you to my daughter."


Calm down Leo, Think about your past.

Wow at this age, isn't she a bit too young to have a daughter of my age... Wait a minute.

"I'm sorry mam but could tell me what's your age?"

"Oh, Leo isn't it a bit rude to ask a woman about her age?"

*Leo starts to panic very hard and couldn't find any words*

"I'm just kidding Leo, its 40 I mean it's obvious right?"

"What! I thought you were like 25. You look so young. I didn't even think that you had children."

"Oh come on Leo you're just making it up"

*Mrs. Cornell blushes and laughs it off.*

Peeps, I know it's rude to ask any women about their age and stuff but I did it deliberately for 2 reasons, first of all, I was confirming my doubt here. At first, I thought she would be a single lady in her twenties doing a job nearby but now that she says she's forty, I'm simply flabbergasted I mean I've heard of people who are old but look insanely young, but this is the first time I've seen one and I'm lost for words

The second thing I did was compliment her age cause if you do ask any woman's age just correct yourself by saying " But you look so young." that's flattery 101.

"And yeah Leo, I do have a daughter who is about your age and coincidentally she goes to the same high school you're in."

Whaaat, now if I try to narrow it down, by using my memory and simple probability the chances of my neighbour being Jenifer are just ridiculously high.

But remember it's still not 100% it's about 85% but it's still high and...... Wait a minute how did she know I went to the same high school as her daughter's.

*Leo looks at the dress he is wearing and gets very embarrassed*

Shit did I just forget to change my dress, oh well not a big deal for a loner like me.

"It's okay Mrs. Cornell, we'll meet next time, for now, I'll take my leave."

I think I am forgetting something very important.....

*Leo checks his pocket and finds a note.*

Oh shit, I forgot to give her this,

"Excuse me, Miss but I forgot to give you my mom's mobile number she told me to give you this and asked you to call her whenever you're free."

"Oh no problem Leo, I'll give her a ring."

*Leo leaves their house and goes to his house.*

You guys must be screaming at me, 'Leo why didn't you take the offer you dumb idiot you could've met her daughter and it could've been a start to something.' And I couldn't agree less with you.

It is the best way to start a romance but I'll tell you guys a secret. Leo and romance don't go hand in hand. I just know that I'm not built for romance and that's that. Moving on to the next thing Mom did tell me to give her a call and yeah I have to make the dinner and then read that book I've been meaning to do.

*Leo goes off to do all the things he mentions but that he's just said and after doing it --*

*Knock* *Knock*

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