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I soon reached home. As soon as I entered the house I tightly hugged my mom, my mom was surprised a bit but quickly composed her up and hugged me back and asked...

"What happened Chelz?"

I told mom what had happened between me and that boy, it was not all clear but still understandable okay... I could clearly see her shocked expression but there wasn't just shock on her face. There was happiness in her eyes and joy on her face too, it was as if she was relieved from all the stress she had but she quickly composed herself and asked me ....

"Really, Chelz that's just amazing did you ask him his name?"

This is where reality started to sink into me as the expression of happiness on my face changed into sadness and I am still cursing myself for my stupidity....

"Sor-ry Mum, F-org-ot"

I know, I am still a child when it comes to this. My excitement took over, so much so that I stopped thinking rationally. I couldn't help myself. I mean what am I going to do?

*Chelsea's mom laughs a bit *

"It's okay hon. I understand it was because of all the excitement. Maybe look on the bright side here, now we know which high school you want to enroll into and don't worry much about that guy I'm sure you will meet again, believe in your fate."

*Chelsea nods*

That guy did tell me about 'how the heart doesn't help us make clear decisions' and now I'm getting it why I guess he is some kind of genius and right know both of my heart and brain are screaming in unison about going to that high school and I'm surely going to listen to them.

"By the way, hon aren't you forgetting something"

Umm...What's she talking about..?

*Chelsea swings her head sideways suggesting a negative remark.*

"You know we had a white thing..."

The moment she said that my face became pale white and a feeling of guilt ran through my heart, how could I've forgotten about her? Without thinking for even a bit I grabbed my coat and ran out of the house to the pet shop to bring Ava back. 

For all of those who are confused about all this situation fear not, I will explain it on the way. 

*Chelsea quickly runs outside of her house, while her mom shouts at her back to go safely.*

So Ava is my dog who is a white shepherd and well if you've guessed it right she is very precious to me like very precious. She helped me so much during my most horrible period. I still remember the day we found her.  She was just a puppy when we brought her home.  She has the most adorable big blue eyes. I still remember how they met mine when I first saw her and created this indescribable atmosphere which I just couldn't explain in words.

*Midway Chelsea realizes something*

I am running to the pet shop where we kept Ava before coming here. It is good that it was close by but I just realized a big problem I made. I mean I am anthrophobic and I am going to a place where I would have to speak with someone, and I forgot about mom. 

Oh, what am I going to do? I can't just go back home, mom would laugh at me like crazy and I want to show her that I can do things on my own.....think Chelz think.... Oh, an idea I would go there and write it down for the receptionist.

*Chelsea goes to the pet shop and does the same and surprisingly succeeds granted she does mess up when she asks for a book and a pen. As soon as Ava sees Chelsea she jumps on her it almost takes five minutes for Chelsea to calm her down. After that they both head to their way.*

You may think I'm heading home but no I'm first going to walk her around my whole neighbourhood and then I'm going to take her home. If you have a dog and you have shifted homes you may know why I'm doing this but if not it's because if I don't do this then according to dog psychology Ava will think that she is the dominant one in our relationship and would not listen to anyone. And just behave in an unorderly manner 

So by doing this I'm telling her that I'm the dominant one here and you have to listen to what I say. It also helps the dog to become calm form all the excitement they have built up because the new place and the new smells they experiencing. It's something I learned when we first shifted house and her behavior started to change.

*Chelsea walks Ava around the neighborhood and brings her home.*

"Hey, Chels and Hey Ava...."

*Ava jumps on mom and starts to lick her*

"Haha calm down girl, Honey could you please give our neighbors this gift--"

I did see the house beside ours but I thought that there must be no one living there. I mean it looked pretty deserted when I looked at it and the house itself reeked of loneliness, to be honest. I wouldn't even be surprised if the house was haunted.

"You know, there is a boy who lives there and he is so sweet too and he even goes to the same high school you will be going to..."

Okay now that is interesting, I mean what are the chances that the boy will be the same one I met there, but I'm curious...

*Chelsea nods *

As soon as I left the house with the gift, I don't know why but the boy I met at the high school came to my mind and a thought started to float around, wouldn't it be the coincidence of century if the boy was the same one I met...

*Knock * *Knock*

To Be Continued... 

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