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*On the next day*

Right now I'm on my way to our new house. We have packed everything, the truck has also arrived and we will be saying goodbye to our house. Well, it's kind of an emotional moment when you are leaving the place where you have spent almost 2 years of your life, but due to our constant shifting, I've come to terms with this feeling so it is much easier to leave the places.

*Chelsea and her mom close the door and leave to begin their new life in a whole new place*

Looks like we have finally reached our destination... Phew! that was one of the longest rides in my life. Okay so let us start with the description of this new place, and the correct word to do so would be 'bland'. I mean the entire place reeks of nothingness there are just two houses located side by side on a completely empty street. And to get the idea of the street, let's just say that there is not a single soul walking by this street.

 It didn't really seem that we would end up here as we passed many societies, rowhouses, and even stand-alone bungalows too and all of them were flushed with life. 

To understand my situation more in-depth, just imagine that you are on a tour and you are on your way to the hotel. The tour company booked it for you so you have no idea how it is, how it looks or even what kind of room you would be staying in. You just hope that it would be at least habitable. On your way, you see a lot of good hotels and by good, I mean at least 5 stars level. Throughout this journey, you see many such hotels and you keep wishing to yourself that you would stop at this hotel or that hotel and after doing this for so many times you get bored and stop doing it. Then you see that one cheap motel which looks like literal filth, I mean there is moss on the wall and there are this weird stink and all that stuff. You are a hundred percent sure that the bus is surely not going to stop here. Sike, the bus stops right there for you to find out that this is the place you will be staying. That's the feeling I'm going through at this moment. 

But to be fair, this place here is provided by the company my mom works for and we also have to keep this in our mind that all the bills for this house will be paid by the company. The places we passed by looked quite expensive for our pockets to handle. Also, this full-fledged bungalow and what we used to live in was a crappy apartment and you already know why a bungalow is always better than a crappy apartment.

"Hey, hon, what do you think of our new home."

Mom must also have noticed the change in scenario, It's not like she had seen it before, but you know what.....

"It's... n-ot bad... It act--ually ve-ry good..."

I know I should be able to at least hold a good conversation with my mom. It's not like I can't do that. This conversation is actually the best I can hold up with anyone. Despite this, I still want to be able to talk fluently with her. I want to tell her about my life, how's it is going. To be able to ask for a piece of advice and tell how much I care about her. I want to fluently tell her that I love her but due to this curse, I can only show it through action.

"Oh hon I know it's not that good but thanks for understanding the situation, it makes me feel really happy that you're being supportive about this."

She does care for my opinion and I also do have to support her during this period we are going through and this also lightens a bit of the burden on her head but he--

*Suddenly Chelsea's mom embraces Chelsea*

Oh! That was unexpected but oh well something like this was going through my mind too.

"By the way Chelz the truck will arrive after a while wanna check out the house."

Yeah, the drivers did say that it'll take them a while to reach here due to traffic. So checking the house is the best option here.

*Chelsea nods to her mom's suggestion*

We both took our liberty to roam around the house learning rooms, switches and overall landscape of the house. Before I even finished looking everything my mom already made plans about where to place what and she even began asking my opinions about it and I couldn't even comprehend how did she manage to come up with something so amazing in just a small amount of time. 

I mean she is a genius, she has this ability to scope out a situation and find the best possible answer to it quickly that is also a reason why she got promoted so quickly in such a short time. I am just amazed at her dedication for the work  but she has her own weaknesses too and she also has her own worries which she wouldn't let anyone know not even me and I hate this fact that I myself am one of her biggest worries and I can't help it because I can't help it. But she is one of the people for whom I want to cure my condition and she is also one of my biggest inspiration for getting out of it.

*Truck reaches the place*

As soon as the truck reaches the place Chelsea and her mom start working according to their plan for setting up their new home.

"Phew... Finally, everything is in place. Chelz hon you wanna go check out your new high schools you did get recommendation letter and we have lots of time on our hand now"

Yeah not a bad idea mom

*Chelsea nods*

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