Chapter 8

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I woke up starring at Dimitri, I've never wanted Adrian as bad as i did for Dimitri. Even without love i still needed him for sex of course, but something else is bothering me. Im not sure why im feeling weird.

Dimitri woke up kissing me with so much passion. I was lost in his kiss longing for him. My internal body began to burn i wanted it to stop, I just wanted Dimitri just to feel his kiss.

Then i felt a sharp pain in my chest and fell unconscious in Dimitri's arms. I felt him shaking me finally i could open my eyes. His brown eyes froze me i loved to see them everyday.

What i thought i felt love for his eyes and him. I remembered, Dimitri looking into my eyes again he pulled back the part of me i pushed out Love. I missed feeling this way about him butterflies filled my stomach.

Roza how are you feeling he asked? Great just peachy considering how much i love you right now. He smiled screaming "It worked", Yes it did i growled.

I was happy to not feel so cold. How dare you do that without me telling you. Roza you wanted me to pull it back because you let me he smiled.

I kissed him I love you Dimitri i always will. We have to tell Lissa and Adrian he said, i frowned. I cant see them now! Dimitri i hurt Lissa alot she still stayed. Oh god Adrian and the babies i began crying in his chest.

Rose you did that because you couldnt love anything or anyone. You attacking them was the Darkness not you Dimitri tried to convince me.

But i let it into me i wanted it so im the cause of everything that happened i cant forgive myself. Roza i have been there i felt what your feeling.

Dimitri you were strigoi i wasnt i did those things at my free will. I need to go i need time to myself dont call or see me i ran out and to my dorm i had.

I couldnt live with Lissa right now i texted her i lied said i was ill. Needed to take a leave she ran to my dorm i ignored her. She left and replied in text form ok Rose she gave me a 3month leave from guardian.

I also text Adrian to leave me alone i didnt want to see anyone. Dimitri didnt agree like everyone else he actually kicked open my door. Told me he left me alone before he wouldnt do it again and that i couldnt get rid of him.

I sighed he argued with me for 2hours about not leaving me alone. I gave in he smiled suggest i go back to his place with him. He got my things from Lissa's house to his Apartment on courts.

Dimitri Pov

I couldnt believe it work i woke up to Roza starring at me. She always looks away to avoid eye contact but now she didnt. I took the chance and kissed her with all the love and passion i could.

Then i starred into her eyes they flamed of course i was pulled into her. Again i saw the burning flame connected to her i called her to me as before. She moved slowly then stopped again the flame keep her still.

I stepped forward to help pull her away from it. She actually reached out to me grabbed my hand i pulled with all the will i could. Roza slammed into my chest i hugged her.

The flame was no longer connected to her she waived her hand at it to leave. It disappeared we were now just in darkness i could see i light behind me. I held my Roza and pulled her with me into the light.

I woke up out of my daze was still unconscious in my arms. I was worried i shook her hard trying to get her wake up. Finally her eyes opened.

I could finally breathe now that she was awoke. I ask how she was feeling she told me she loves me i knew then it worked. She began depressed when she remembered the bad things she did and ran.

I wasnt sure what to do Lissa called worried said Rose request a leave but wont talk to her. I explained what happened she agreed to give Rose her space. She told me not to leave her alone in this she was correct.

I ignored request to leave her alone i ran to her dorm after she wouldnt open. I kickes the door in and pleaded with her until she agreed to come live with me. I smiled when she finally gave in took her things from Lissa' s place to mine.

I was happy she was at least letting me in so i could help her, but Adrian and the babies hurt worst of all. She knew she broke him like i did her but he still stayed and didnt give into darkness.

She was crying all the time about Adrian. I didnt want to but i called him and told him her needed to force Rose to talk to him. Finally he agreed sadly but he said i would take her from you if she allows me then hw hung up.

My reason i dont like him he wants my Roza and she has feelings for him as well. I know im her first choice but it always bothered me Adrian was her second choice. If she and I couldnt be together. I was happy he would talk to her.

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