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•The Sauna Test•

(when she is arguing with Steve)*******************************************

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(when she is arguing with Steve)

I woke up throwing my alarm clock across my room, I walked over to my wardrobe and threw on a cute little outfit. It consisted of a pair of light blue shorts and a multicoloured short sleeved top. I tied in a cute little belt with it too before shoving a couple of wristbands on.

I heard the phone at the other side of my room start to ring, I walked over before picking it up off of the hook.

"Hello?" I asked walking over to my bed the wire just about reached as i leaned down the tie my shoes.

"Hey Cam, are you coming to Mike's house, he said he has news?" I heard Eleven's voice rang through the speaker as i tied the last knot on my shoe.

"I think I'm gonna stay with my brother today, let me know how it goes" I replied walking over to the hook.

"Okay, Bye" She spoke, I put the phone back on the hook before walking over to my sideboard.

"Hey Kiddo, I'm gonna head to work, wanna come mom sent some money so you can buy yourself some clothes, I'm surprised your ones here even fit you anymore" Steve smiled before leaving my room, I quickly shoved my hair into a messy ponytail and grabbing a pair of my  old sunglasses.

"Ready?" He asked handing me a purse, I opened it to see $200 inside, I just rolled my eyes, I son't see why she gives me so much, I don't need that much.

"Oh Henderson will be here today" He told me as he unlocked his car.

Once we got in the car I turned on the radio and my favourite song started to play.

"I'll hit the ceiling or else i'll tear up this town.... Now I gotta cut loose, Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes. Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees, Jack, get back, come on before we crack. Lose your blues, everybody cut Footloose" I sang along making Steve laugh before joining in and belting the words with me.


When we got to the small Ice-cream Parlour I parted ways from my brother and walked out to do some shopping, I saw nearly every bitch from school they were all so snobby It drove me insane.

I walked over to a cute little clothing store called 'The Gap', it supposedly had all the best clothing inside.

"CAMERON!" I heard from behind me as I picked up a cute sweater. I turned around placing the sweater back on the rack before I was met with the faces of three of the girls I used to know. Stacy, Annie and Katie.

"Hey" I smiled before all three of them ran up to me embracing me in a rib crushing hug. Joy.


"Hey Kid, Where have you been?" Steve asked me as he handed some young girl their Ice-cream.

"Don't ask. I can't even begin to explain the horror of hanging out with Stacy and her minions" I sighed my arms were aching now from the amount of bags that they were holding up.

"Come on, they're back here" He motioned toward the door, before pushing it open and holding it for me.

"Cameron?" Dustin gasped, he walked over to me as I dropped my bags in the corner. I stood back up straight before embracing him in a massive hug.

"H-How are you here?" He asked, I just shook my head as Steve decided to sum it up in like 0.3 seconds.

"She got out. Faked her death, and went to live with our parents"

I just nodded before a small tape recorder on the metal table caught my attention, I walked over and picked it up, pressing play.

'Неделя длинная. Серебряная кошка кормит, когда синий встречается с желтым на западе. Поездка в Китай звучит хорошо, если вы слегка легкомысленны.'

"The week is long. The silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to china sounds nice if you tread lightly? What on earth are you listening to Russian for?" I laughed, all three teens looked at me weirdly.

"You know Russian?" Robin asked, I nodded crossing my arms as she now looked over at Steve.

"I grew up in a lab, You pick a few things up"

"Where was she all this time? Wait you grew up in--" She started but Dustin saved me by changing the subject.

"One of the guards holds a Key card. That Keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this Keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it." Dustin explained as he paced back and forth, I lifted myself onto the counter as he rambled.

"But there's gotta be a way in" Robin whispered.

"Okay..." Steve leaned forward attempting to act cool, "I could just take him out"

"Take who out?" I asked with a small scoff.

"The Russian guard, what? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy"

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asked.

"Yes, Dustin I did. And that's why I would be sneaking" I laughed before firing back at my brother.

"Ah, well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?" I asked leaning forward.

"Okay, That was one time--"

"Twice. Johnathan year prior?" I knew that Steve got beat up last  year too he told me on the phone, he wouldn't tell me who by though.

"Listen, that doesn't count." Steve argued.

"Why wouldn't it count? Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you"

We broke out in a small argument as Steve tried his best to come up with excuses for his loss. I rolled my eyes before putting my hands up in surrender, I don't care what he says he still lost fair and square.

"That just might work" I heard Robin mutter before running into the ice cream parlour and grabbing all the tips out of the jar.

"Robin? Hey, Robin! Hey what-- what are you doing?" Steve asked rushing out after her.

"I need cash" She replied walking backwards out of the shop as she spoke.

"Well half of that is mine, Where are you going?" Steve argued, I turned to see Dustin pick up Steve's scooper and begin to lick it making me scrunch my nose in disgust.

"To find us a way into that room, A safe way. And in the meantime, sling Ice-cream, behave, and don't get beat up. I'll be back in a jiff" I laughed as she walked off, Steve sighed before he spotted Dustin and took the Scooper from his hands.

"Oh, dude. Come on, man, not my scooper"


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