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•The Battle Of Starcourt•


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"Go, Go , Go!" Johnathan screamed as we ran over to the car, I quickly limped to the bonnet and opened it up, attaching the Ignition cable was fairly easy.

I heard the same engine start to rev again, I'm gathering Billy hasn't left and is just waiting for the Mind Flayer to do its work.

"Nancy get in the car" I whispered standing up straight and shutting the bonnet, motioning Johnathan to start the car. Walking around to the the door that Lucas had left open for me I slammed it shut, telling Johnathan to start the car, Lucas put the window down asking me why I wasn't getting in.

"I can't leave them in there. Just go, I'll try to buy you some time with Billy" I sighed stepping back from the car.

It looked like the cable didn't match the car model, resulting in them not being able to go anywhere, so I walked around the other side so I was inbetween our car and Billy's. He began to drive at us at full speed. I raised my hands and put a line of fire infront of his car making him swerve slightly when another car came out of nowhere and smashed Billy's out of the way.

"Steve?!" I shouted with a slight smile, when I heard a purring noise from behind me. The Mind Flayer was on the roof, looking down at me, not moving at all.

"Get in!" I heard from behind me, Steve and Robin hopepd out of their car and jumped into the back of Nancy's.

"Cameron come on!" Steve shouted holding the door open, and leaning out slightly.

"I can't leave them. Go! I'll be okay I promise." I shouted to which Steve gave a heartbroken nod and climbed in. For some unknown reason the Mind Flayer seemed to completely disregard me, not even acknowledging the fact that I was stood there.

"Go fetch asshole"

Turning around I could see Billy slowly regaining consciousness. Max, El and Mike came running out of the side entrance when he slowly began to climb out of his car, half awake.

"Go, go ,go!" I shouted limping as fast as I could over to them and running through the closing gate. Max grabbed my arm and slung it over her shoulder as I nearly collapsed.

"Down here" Mike shouted as we ran inside a small tunnel like corridor. The lights were flickering as I tried to calm my breathing.

When we got to the end of the corridor I seemed as though Billy had beaten us to it. He stood infront of us looking as if he would kill us with one look.

"Billy. Billy your name is Billy Hargrove you live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, Please I'm Max, I'm your---" He cut her off by hitting her into the wall making me fall slightly, Mike then ran at him causing him to slam Mike into the wall beside us. Then he took out El. I raised my hand to try to stop him but he punched me before I could.

Then everything went black.


"--mi? Cami? Cameron can you hear me?" I heard a familiar voice rip me awake. my whole body was being shook by the hands on my arms.

"Why did he take Eleven but not Cameron?" Max asked helping me up along with Mike. I stood up straight reaching my hand up to my cheekbone that was throbbing, pulling my hand away there was blood on my fingertips.

"Guys go through Gap, he went that way, I need to get higher up" I told them pointing back down the corridor we came. They both nodded Mike's hand lingering on my arm for a few seconds before he let go and walked off with Max.


When I got to the top floor it looked like the fourth of July. I smiled looking around to see my brother, Robin, Lucas, Nancy, Will and Johnathan throwing fireworks at the creature.

I waited for one of them to throw again and blew the firework up so that the explosion was a proper one. All eyes turned to me as the impact flew everyone back. My nose was dripping as I stood directly infront of creature, the only thing between us was the top floor railing.

"Yeahhhhh!" Steve shouted fist bumping the air, I caught my breath before raising my arms and allowing fire to flow through my body. Letting go, letting my powers loose felt amazing. I could feel the vines on my body start to ease.

"The vines, they're disappearing?" Lucas asked from beside me, "It was energy. Two years ago, when El used her powers she was charging you. The vines they're built up energy"

"Cameron you have to let go" Will shouted, I shook my head.

"I can't I could hurt everyone"

"Or you could save everyone, do it!" He shouted as more fireworks began to launch at the creature. I sighed and gave him a small nod.

"Take this you bastard" I whispered.

"Anytime now, cause we are out!" Johnathan shouted from the other side of the mall.

I let go finally, I could feel the energy coursing thought my body. It felt amazing, I felt alive, like I had just woken up from a deep sleep. My eyes slowly began to become a deep shade of orange. I let out a loud scream causing everyone around me to fall to the floor holding their ears, all the glass in the windows of the shops shattered as the creature screeched in pain, It was struggling to find it's footing.

"She can't last much longer!"

"Come on come on come on"

I saw the vines in my hands slowly leave through my palms that were facing the struggling monster. I felt myself begin to weaken, my body was back to normal, all the vines were gone leaving me with only my own energy left which wasn't quite as strong. The Mind Flayer was now missing a limb and trying to hold its self up with only three legs.

Thats when I felt it. A sharp pain in my stomach, I looked down to see one of it's claws had attached itself to my torso. I burned its arm away making it detach itself from me, I coughed as I felt my ability to breath had been slightly ripped from me.

"CAMERON!" My brother shouted as I fell to the floor, Blood was now soaking my upper half, as the Mind Flayer's face disappeared back down to the first floor.

"Cameron? Cameron?!" I heard Steve shout as he ran over to me lifting my head from the floor, my eyes began to become very heavy, "No don't you die on me! Cameron? Come on Kiddo get up we gotta get out of here." He cried, tears only just falling through his bruised eye.

"Go" I whispered taking his hand from my cheek and giving it a tight squeeze. "Steve please.... Please go-- y-you have to leave"

"Are you crazy no! I'm not leaving you here" He shouted over the roar coming from the monster. I closed my eyes for a second before using all my energy to open them again, "No don't you dare close your eyes. Cameron!"

"The ambulance is on the way" Will shouted running over along with the rest of the group.

"You hear that Kiddo? The ambulance is on the way. you're gonna be okay." My brother sobbed as my hand loosened on his, falling to the floor.

"I love you Steve......... wait! You have to tell Mike!" I struggled to hang on, my eyes felt heavy, and Steve's face was fading, "You have to tell him, tell him, I lo-  tell him-"

Not finished.

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