I just want a six month vacation twice a year
Today I saw something through a store window that was truly stunning, sexy and beautiful. I wanted to get it for you, but then I realised it was my own reflection
I cook with wine, sometimes I add it to the food.
(Thinks about Ashton's hands)
(Loses conciseness)
* by the way you'll only get this if you are a fan of 5sos*
Person 1: dude why is there a crack on my iPhone?
Person 2: last night when you were drinking you threw your phone
Person 1: now why would I do that
Person 2 : you put it in airplane mode and threw it. You kept saying transform damn you!
Santa: and what would you like for Christmas?
Me: Louis in suspenders
Santa: * takes of glasses and wipes eyes*
Santa: me too
(Sorry you'd have to like one direction for this one)
A day without sunshine is ya know
Mom:what job do you want when your older?
Me: to drive the karma bus.
What do you do when you miss your ex?
Reload and shoot again.
May your life be as awesome as you make is out to be on social media
People tell me to do what my heat says but I have no idea what
Dumdum dumdum means