Chapter 13: The Calvary Battle and Todoroki's Goal

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"Jury!" Momo yells out. Juryoku snaps out of his trance, and sees Momo charging him. Juryoku expected her to hit or hug him, but first thing she does is lifts his shirt up. Juryoku blushes. "You've got some bruising right here. Just put should ice on it and you'll be fine. Now then." Momo says. Juryoku knew what was coming next. Momo was about to tell off for being wreckless.

"Juryoku, you really can be a idiot sometimes. Firstly, you start a fist fight with Midoriya, then you get so into the fist fight, you don't even notice Bakugo charging you. If that was a real fight against a villain, you would have gotten seriously hurt or...worse." Momo said all this to Juryoku. A few people outside of Class 1-A gave it a little side glance, but none were openly staring. Nearly everyone in Class 1-A were staring though.

Midoriya saw about Juryoku getting lectured and decided to sneak away, but got grabbed by Iida who immediately apologize. Jiro came by wiggling her earphones jacks and ask were he was going. She then dragged him to Momo. Who told her let him off easy. Jiro let him go and asked why not let Midoriya have it. "If you let me handle Midoriya, I'll make sure he never be reckless again." Jiro says.

Momo just giggled to herself. "I doubt it Jiro," Momo says. Momo then creates some ice in a bag and pushes it against Juryoku's bruises. While Jiro watches on blushing the whole time. Jiro nearly gouge out Juryoku's eyes when she saw a blush on his face.

Momo: Not only am I the Class 1-A's deputy rep, I'm now the portable nurse of Class 1-A.

Juryoku: Just let Recovery Girl heal up the guys unless the situation is dire, and I don't care if he's dying your absolutely not allowed to give care to Mineta!

Momo: Umm ok.

Juryoku: Hey stop making that face!

Juryoku: Hey stop making that face!

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Juryoku: Damnit Jiro. I'm not Kaminari, damn it. You don't laugh at me!

Jiro: Not my fault you being jealous over a girl who already likes you is the second funniest thing ever to me............sorry Yaoyorozu.

Jiro just walks away after that. Juryoku and Yaoyorozu are trying their best to hold in their laughs. "Also who do you think you are? You think I'm just gonna let you get away with lecturing me in public. Your just lucky every time you were lecturing I wanted to grab you and kiss you instead of arguing back." Juryoku says. "You lecherous deviant!" Yaoyorozu says and blushes. Juryoku sighs. "I prefer the term puckish rogue or charming nerd. Plus how is it lecherous for just wanting kissing your beautiful girlfriend." Juryoku says. Yaoyorozu then moves a bandage off her neck to reveal a hickey. "Oh. Shit, I did get carried away ." Juryoku says.

Everyone gathered up together in a crowd and listen to the rules of the next, The Calvary Battle. Midnight explained that you have to make a team of four, The teammates of the team would combine their points from they earned from the obstacle race. This points would displayed on headbands that the leader of the team would carry on their head or neck.

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