The start

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If you like cute stories with happy endings this is not the story for you, but if you like the thought of people getting killed for no reason then by all means stick around. But anyways hey I'm Lola and I'm going to tell everyone the story of the trip that almost killed me and killed most of my friends. But like all stories we have to start at the very beginning to understand the end.

                       *Last month*

"Just come with me please" Zoe pleaded

"Two words, fuck no" I said then rolled my eyes

Before she could beg anymore then bell rang

"This conversation isn't over" she said then walked off

I wanted to waste sometime so I got up and quickly and swiftly walked off campus. I hate this stupid ass school and all the dumbass people. But mid way I got caught. Of course.

"Where are you going" Mr. smith asked

"For a walk" I said

"Come on let's go to my class"he said

We walked back to his class and he shut the door. He looked at me then sighed and asked

"Why must you act like this" he asked

"Im not acting like anything I think it's you that acting dumb" I said. I'm aware he's a cool teacher and it's probably going to just give me a lecture on why I need to be in school but I don't feel like hearing it.

"Dentition " he said

I left his room and went to my actual class. After that Zoe texted in our group chat that she needed to talk to me.

Logan and Zoe have been dating since freshmen year and we've all been friends since freshmen year, i met Logan in the hallway after I threw a book at him because he ran into me and made me drop my new vape then afterwards at lunch he apologized by buying me a Snapple and boom we were besties then him and Zoe started dating and we became a group.

"Are you really not coming" Logan asked

"Why would I want to go to some old ass mansion in the middle of nowhere for a school trip" I asked rasing a brow

"We get to miss school" Zoe said

"Plus ms naps had a stroke so Mr. smith is coming now and he's super chill" Logan said

"How many days are y'all staying" I asked

"Three" Logan said

"Suddenly it doesn't seem like a bad idea" I said. I mean hey who wouldn't want to look at a hot English teacher for 3 days

"So you'll come" Zoe asked

"Yeah I'll come" I said

"Yay" Logan and Zoe said in unison

Who knew going on a school trip would be the worst decision I ever made

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