Sorry Terry

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We all ran all over again. But this time it was me,terry, and Elle. Elle went under the bed with me and terry jumped into a big pot. We heard pig boy humming and calling our names but we stayed quiet. After a few moments the door opened and everyone else ran into the room.

"To many people are in here" someone whispered

"Oh my god this house is fucking haunted" terry cried

"Who the fuck is talking" Arron asked

"It's a fucking ghost Arron, spirits among us we mean no harm" terry cried

"Tarry shut up" Arron said

"In here"  someone said then Caleb stuck his head out of the air vent above the bed

"How the fuck did he get up there" terry yelled

"I keep a screw driver in my pocket" he said then showed it to us

"What the fuck" terry said as Caleb hopped out the surprisingly large vent

We got out of hiding and locked the door

"Shit look" Logan said while looking out the window

It was pig boy with a goddamn chain saw

He looked up at us then started it. Then disappeared into the woods.

"You know what fuck this I'm leaving" terry yelled

"What" we all said in union

"Fuck this house fuck him and fuck you guys I'm out" terry yelled

"What are you going to do charge outside like the fucking hulk" I said

"I'm getting the fuck out" terry said then ran out the room

We watched in horror as tarry ran out the house and straight to the fence. Somehow he managed to climb to the top of the fence before pig boy came after him

"Terry he's coming" I screamed but it was no use

Pig boy grabbed terry's foot and I kid you not litterly pulled his body so hard that the top of the fence pierced right through him

"Fuck" Arron screamed

So much for Terry living through this

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