An idea

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                    Lola's point of view

"Should we try and find them" I asked

"Yeah" I said

We walked out the room. Right as we turned the corner a figure ran into us so I swung as hard as I could.

"Dang nabbit" Caleb yelped

Blood was running down his face

"You just punched the shit out of him" Logan said

"Oh god Caleb I'm sorry" I said

"We were just trying to find Zoe and Will" Logan said

"Yeah you might not want to" he said

"Why" I asked

"I went looking for them and they were lip locking" he said

"What" we said in unison

Logan and I walked past Caleb and went straight to the room where we found Zoe and Will kissing

"What the fuck" I snorted

"Y'all having fun" Logan asked

"Oh my god no Logan I" she started to say

Logan and I looked at each other but said nothing

"It didn't mean anything" she said

"Oh I'm sure" Logan said

Before she could say anything else Will's phone beeped

"You have service" I asked with wide eyes

"I think so" he said with a smile that soon faded

"What" Zoe asked

Will held up on the phone and I was horrified. It was Logan and I. Our whole conversation our whole kiss our whole.... experience. Logan and I said nothing.

"I knew it this whole time I knew it and you fucking denied it" Will yelled

"You said nothing was going on" Zoe said

"I know I didn't know that I felt that way" I said

"You lied" Zoe said looking at Logan

"I'm sorry but I've always wanted her it's her it was always her" he said

"Oh my god so what you dated me because you knew she didn't want you" Zoe cried

"No I liked her first but then I met you and right away you told me how you felt and she never did and I thought I would get over it but I never did then I tried to kiss her but she told me no so I told myself to forget it but then I saw her with Will and I knew I liked her and No I didn't want to cheat but it happened and I'm sorry but that's the fucking truth" Logan said

"I can't believe this" she said

"I'm sorry but I feel the same way about him" I said not looking at her

"Lola" Will said

"I'm sorry but I won't lie about it anymore it's already out and the two of you we re just kissing" I said

"It was just a kiss I didn't have sex with him" Zoe said

I said nothing. I knew having sex with him was wrong but I won't lie to her she deserves to know.

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to lie about it or argue about it" I said then sat on the floor

Zoe sat far away from all of us. Will stayed on the bed, and Logan and I sat on the ground.

"My phone just died" Will said

"Pig took mine" I said

"I think mines in the basement" Zoe said

"I have mine" Logan said

"Time" I asked

"2:16" he said

"Man" Will said shaking his head

"Anyone got any ideas" Zoe asked

"What about the keys to the gate" Caleb asked

"Mr.smith had them last" Will said

"I don't think he locked it though I'm pretty sure the pig boy did that I think smith just closed it"I said

"Okay but if we get the keys we can get out" Caleb said

"I'll go" Logan said

"I'll come with you" Will said

"Lola you stay with Zoe and Caleb, Will and I can get the gate open then come get y'all" Logan said

We all looked at each other and they stood up. As soon as they walked out the room I locked the door. We all looked out the window and waited. After about 50 seconds. I saw them going towards the gate. But halfway to it I saw pig boy coming out the woods. He had a fucking bow and arrow then he proceeded to shoot Will. I started to scream and bang on the window. Will fell to the ground then he tried to get Logan, Logan managed to run a little bit but the pig caught up. I panicked and like the idiot I am I ran right out the room and downstairs. I opened the front door and heard him literally break Logan's arm. But to my fucking amassment Will got up and punched the shit out of that damn pig and he fell to the ground.

"Get inside" I screamed and they began to run

As soon as I shut the door the pig started banging on it

"You stupid little bitch I swear when I get to you I'll make you feel everyone's pain combined you little slut" he boomed

"Fuck off you fucking Psychopath" I screamed

He held the knife to the window the walked away

"Holy shit I'm in pain" Logan said

"Same bruh he shot me" Will screeched

I managed to get tweedle dee and tweedle dum back in the room without dying.

"So that went well" Caleb said with a sigh

"Anyone down to smoke" Will asked

We all said yes so he pulled out his weed and we all took hits. I'm not really sure what happened but we all passed out. When I woke up 3 hours later Logan and I were on the floor, Zoe was on the end of the bed, and Will was by the window. But no Caleb.

"Guys wake up" I said

"Oh my god" Zoe said

We looked out the window to see the pig plunging the knife into Caleb over and over again.His flannel now stained red. Then pig boy drug his body into the woods.

"This is it" Logan said

"I have an idea" I said

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