Soft scresms

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I woke up and nearly passed out again. I was in a tub with just my shoes, my bra, and underwear. Oh my fucking god. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention I'm chained up. My feet are chained to the focet. And both my hands are chained to the side of the tub. That bitch even chained my neck down so the water could go right over my head. And the duck tape over my mouth was already making it hard to breathe.The water was on slightly but the tub was still filling up. I began hitting my feet agents the tub and doing the same with my hands

"Mhhhhm" I tried to scream but it was no use

It didn't matter that I wasn't making a lot of noise because I still kept hitting the tub and screaming.

Zoe's point of view

"We need to find Logan he's alone" I said to Will

"You can't even walk" Will reminded

"Have you seen Caleb" Will asked

"No he just pops up randomly" I stated

That kid is weird

I stood up to show Will that I could walk. I may be slower and limping but I can walk. After a few seconds of fighting he finally realized no was not an option. He opened the door and looked around. We made it to the stairs and walked up them as fast as we could.

"Logan" I said quietly

"In here" I heard someone say then I saw red hair from the end of the hall. Caleb. Will and I swiftly walked to the room and saw Caleb and Logan.

"Oh my god what happened" Logan said looking at my leg

"The killer almost Souffléd my ass but Will saved me" I said

"Thank you Will" Logan said while Hugging me

"How'd you find Caleb" Will asked

"I found him" Caleb said

"Oh well at least we're all together" I said

"Where's Lola" Logan asked pulling away from me

"We can't find her" Will said

"We have to find her" Logan said

"Zoe can't run so someone needs to stay with her" Will said

"No way if that animal has my Bestfriend then I have to help her" I said

We looked at each other for a brief moment before walking out the room. We called her name quietly while looking around. We couldn't see or hear anything but right as we began walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor Logan spoke

"Stop walking and hush"

We listened and in the distance we heard something hitting the walls and soft screams. We all looked at each other then said.


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