I hope this works

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After a while of everyone freaking out it was finally quiet again.

"This is so fucking weird" terry said

"What are you going to do" Talia asked Ms.katie

"I can't do anything" she cried

"What the fuck do you mean" Elle yelled

"That freak just killed Jake without a second thought what am I supposed to do" she yelled

"I knew you were weak" I said

"I cannot do anything Lolita" she said

"My name is Lola you dumb bitch" I screamed

And with that I couldn't stand looking at her so I got up. I tried to walk past Logan and he grabbed my arm

"I'll come with you" he said

"Why don't you worry about Zoe and stop harassing me" I said then pulled my arm away and went upstairs

Everyone was downstairs yelling so I tried to tune them out. I'm freaking the fuck out. So I did what any normal person does I grabbed my juul. I was looking out the window trying to spot any type of movement when finally I saw him. He was peering right back at me. I jumped back and right before I could go back downstairs I ran into Will.

"I came to see if you were okay" he said

"I'm fine" I said

"You need to come back downstairs with us" he said

We looked at each other for a moment before he grabbed my hand. We walked back downstairs and Katie spoke.

"I can only think of one thing and it's not a good idea"

"What is it" Arron asked

"We can all try to run out the gate, we run until we find the road" she said

"That's the dummest idea ever its pitch black and raining" terry said

"It's the only chance we have" Caleb said from behind Logan

"When the fuck did you get behind me" Logan said looking scared

"I don't know I've been standing here" Caleb said with a shrug

"Well make a noise dude damn" Logan said then scooted over away from Caleb

"I think we should try" Talia said

"Why so you can scream like Chanel oberlin and hope the killer wants to fuck you" terry asked

"That's rich coming from someone named terry" Talia snapped

"Me Katie with all due respect I don't want to die so I'm not going outside" Zoe said

"I'll go and make sure it's open then I'll give you all a signal" Katie said

A dude named Kyle spoke up

"I'll go with you"

We all looked at each other. This had to work. It will work or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

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