So sorry

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"Holy shit" terry said then took off upstairs

Logan grabbed mine and Zoe's hands then started to run. We all ran into different rooms and tried to be quiet. Logan,Zoe and I all ran into one room while Will,Talia,Elle, Arron, and terry were nowhere to be found. I went under the bed while Logan and Zoe went into the closet.

"Shh" I heard Logan whisper to Zoe because she was crying

I don't know how long went by before we heard a knife being drug across the walls

"Come out come out wherever you are kids" pig boy said

I swallowed hard because what the fuck

"Come downstairs and I won't kill you all but if you don't I'll burn this house to the ground" pig boy said

Some time went by but we heard nothing just as I was about to speak a loud ass ringing noise shook the whole house

"What the fuck is that" I heard terry scream from the hallway

"Everyone downstairs NOW" pig boy boomed

I crawled out from under the bed slowly and Logan walked out the closet with Zoe.

"Are we really going" Zoe asked

"I don't think we have a choice" I said quietly

All three of us slowly walked into the hallway and we were met by everyone else. I looked downstairs and saw nothing. Then he appeared

"Looking for me darling" he asked

"What do you want from us" I asked

"To play a little game love" he said in a laughing voice

"We don't want to play" I Trembled

"Aww Lolita is finally scared" he laughed

"All of you get down here or I'll behead each and everyone of you" he laughed

I looked at everyone then back at pig boy

"You have to stay away from everyone" I said

"Are you really trying to make a deal with me while I'm holding a knife" he asked

"I said you have to stay away from us or were not playing with you" I said firmly

"Fine now come on little ones" he said with a laugh

We all walked downstairs slowly and he laughed

We all sat down and he said

"Truth or dare Zoe" pig boy asked

"Truth" Zoe said

"Is it true you cheated on Logan" he asked

"What no I would never" she said

"Good job zo" he said

"Truth or dare Talia" he asked

"Truth" Talia responded

"Is it true you sleep with everyone to ignore the fact you are in fact a lesbian" he asked

"What no" she said

Before anytime could stop him pig boy ran across the room and grabbed Talia.

"Oh my god" she cried as he held the knife to her throat

"I'll ask again Talia are you a lesbian" he yelled

"Yes yes okay yes okay I'm a lesbian" she said

"Well you shouldn't have lied when I first asked" he said then slit her throat

Elle began screaming and tried to run but he screamed


"Lola truth or dare" he asked

"Truth" I said

"Is it true you have a thing for the besties boyfriend" he asked

"No I don't" I said

"Interesting" he said

"Logan truth or dare sweet boy" he said

"Truth" Logan said

"Is it true you cheated on Zoe with Lola" he asked with a laugh

"No I didn't" he said

"So you didn't try and kiss Lola at Arrons Halloween party"he asked

"He was drunk" I said

"I'm talking to Logan" pig boy snapped

"So Logan I'll ask again did you cheat" he asked

"Okay yes I cheated but all we did was kiss and Lola pushed me away" he said

Zoe looked at me and Logan but said nothing

"I was drunk Zoe it didn't mean anything I'm sorry" Logan said

"Why didn't you tell me" Zoe asked

"I didn't want it to ruin what we have I'm sorry" he said

"Aww so sad anyways I'm going to kill you guys now" pig boy said then charged at us one again

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